Case Results
PLEASE NOTE PRIOR TO READING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: The facts and circumstances of each case are distinct and different. As a result, please be advised that past results in no way indicate future results.
February 18, 2025
Case: Client charged with Class A offense of DWI. Blood test was taken and results were said to be over the legal limit. Full investigation done. Motion to Suppress held regarding unconstitutional issues and the blood search and warrant.RESULT: SUPPRESSION GRANTED, CASE DISMISSED
February 11, 2025
Case: Licensed physician charged with Class A misdemeanor of Assault/Family Violence. Immediate investigation done including witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED UPON PRESENTATION OF DEFENSE STATEMENTS GATHERED
January 27, 2025
Case: Client charged with Assault Family Violence/Bodily Injury. Full investigation is done including multiple witness interviews. Case is set for a jury trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 27, 2025
Case: Client charged with Class A Driving While Intoxicated. Blood test over .15. Full investigation done including a suppression hearing wherein the blood and the results were suppressed due to unconstitutional behavior on the part of the officer. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL
November 7, 2024
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done, including independent witness statements gathered.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
October 4, 2024
Case: Client charged with assault/family violence. Full investigation done and a packet of information provided to the prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
October 3, 2024
Case: Client charged with assault. Investigation done and witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
September 30 ,2024
Case: Client charged with two felony offenses of Sexual Assault (Rape). Full investigation done including witness interviews and expert assistance. Jury trial is set and 6 days of evidence presented.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT X2 BY A JURY
August 2, 2024
Case: Client charged with DWI. A Motion to Suppress was filed by this firm. Argued that the Officer did not have reasonable suspicion. Hearing is held and the entire stop is suppressed due to violation of constitutional rights.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
August 1, 2024
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Investigation done fully with several witness statements.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED (week before trial)
August 1, 2024
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Assault on a Health Care worker. Client hired firm immediately upon arrest. Full investigation done regarding client and his background. Prepare a Grand Jury packet to be presented to the Dallas Grand Jury for consideration in whether he should be officially charged by indictment.RESULT: Grand Jury “No-Billed” client. Case dismissed
June 26, 2024
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance. Full investigation was done, including searching regarding the alleged substance. Multiple experts consulted. Case is set for jury trial in July.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
June 20, 2024
Case: CClient charged with DWI, Class A misdemeanor. Full investigation done. Blood result well over the legal limit, allegedly.RESULT: JURY TRIAL, VERDICT “NOT GUILTY”
June 10, 2024
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd offense. Blood test over legal limit. Trial is held.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT
May 9, 2024
Case: Client charged with felony level assault\family violence. Case was immediately investigated including conversations and statements from the wife and detailed history of the marriage.RESULT: CASE WAS “NO-BILLED” BY GRAND JURY
May 9, 2024
Case: Client charged with Class A Assault. Full investigation done, witness statements taken. Case had court appearances.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
May 1, 2024
Case: Client arrested and charged with 2nd degree felony Possession of Marihuana. Immediate investigation is done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
April 24, 2024
Case: Client charged with felony level drug possession case. Full investigation done, including hiring a drug testing expert and a drug dog expert. Case is set for jury trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
March 6, 2024
Case: Client with DWI with blood result over .15. Full investigation done. Trial is set. On day of trial prosecutor offers a plea to Obstruction of a Roadway and deferred probation.RESULT: DWI DISMISSED
March 5, 2024
Case: Client charged with 2 offenses. Prostitution and Eluding a Police officer. Full investigation done, Motion to Suppress filed and set for a hearing. Conversation held with prosecutor before contested hearing.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
February 5, 2024
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Cruelty to Animals. Full and thorough investigation done by defense. Drone videos, expert consultations and many witness interviewed and statements taken. Case is set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED DAY BEFORE JURY TRIAL
January 31, 2024
Case: Client charged with Theft. Full investigation was done including dissecting the video produced by law enforcement. Case was set for a jury trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 31, 2024
Case: Client stopped for striking a highway fixture. Police investigate for DWI, duty upon striking highway fixture, and other allegations. Client arrest for Duty Upon Striking Highway Fixture and Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon. Multiple court appearances and full investigation done.RESULT: Both cases DISMISSED
January 31, 2024
Case: Client charged with Class A Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including obtaining medical records and interviewing witnesses.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 31, 2024
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including cross examination of alleged victim during a pretrial hearing.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
December 14, 2023
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test over the legal limit.RESULT: JURY TRIAL, 4 MINUTE VERDICT OF NOT GUILTY
December 11,2023
Case: Client charged with Felony DWI. Blood test done indicating over the legal warrant. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
November 7, 2023
Case: Client charged with DWI over .15. Punishment range is up to a year in jail. Full investigation done. Video of client blowing through a stop sign and runs into a building. Full set of Field Sobriety tests captured on video. Jacob Gamble cross-examines the police officer witnesses for the State of Texas.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT FROM JURY
October 13, 2023
Case: Client charged with Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon and Possession of Marihuana. Case is fully investigated and witnesses interviewed. Counsel takes fruits of the defense investigation to prosecutor.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED
October 13, 2023
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including obtaining notarized statements from witnesses.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
August 16, 2023
Case: Client charged with DWI over .15. Blood test result comes back as a .25 from Government lab. Full investigation done along with an expert hired to challenge blood result. 3-day jury trial in Dallas County.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT
July 12, 2023
Case: Client charged with Indecency with a Child and Possession of Child Pornography. Child pornography case rejected for prosecution, dismissed. Indecency case is set for a jury trial after full investigation by the defense.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 3 WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL
June 22, 2023
Case: Client charged with 2 counts of Indecency with a Child and 3 counts of Sexual Assault of a Child. Punishment up to 100 years in prison if convicted. Full investigation done and a 5-day jury trial was held.RESULT: VERDICT “NOT GUILTY” ON ALL 5 COUNTS
May 30, 2023
Case: Client charged with 1st Degree Felony Aggravated Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done. Experts consulted. Case announced for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
April 14, 2023
Case: Client charged with Class A DWI. Full investigation had including investigation into the police officer involved with the arrest. Suppression hearing is help. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 1 WEEK BEFORE TRIAL
April 14, 2023
Case: Client charged with Felony level Evading Arrest with a Motor Vehicle. Full investigation done and multiple witnesses interviewed.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
March 28, 2023
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. 1st Degree felony. Full investigation completed. Multiple witness interviewed and an expert hired to assist the defense. Case is set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 1 WEEK BEFORE TRIAL
January 30, 2023
Case: Client is charged with Class A misdemeanor for Assault/Family Violence. Immediate and thorough investigation done including digital investigation regarding phones and other digital communications. Provide evidence of innocence to the prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED A WEEK BEFORE 1ST COURT APPEARANCE
November 2, 2022
Case: Client charged with Solicitation. Full investigation on what started out as a high publicity case.RESULT: CASE NO-BILLED BY GRAND JURY (OVER)
November 1, 2022
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Investigation of all facts clearly showed self-defense and defense of a 3rd party. State of Texas would not dismiss. Case was prepared for and set for Jury Trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED WHEN PLACED ON TRIAL DOCKET
October 28, 2022
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. 2nd degree felony. Investigation done to indicate that it was self-defense, defense of a third party, and defense of property. Case is set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
September 23, 2022
Case: Client charged with 3rd degree felony. Allegation was choking a family member. Full investigation done. Witness interviewed. Some of these interviews provided to the District Attorney.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED
September 9, 2022
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test taken and purported to be over the limit. Case prepared for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS BEOFRE TRIAL
September 9, 2022
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test of over .15. Pulled over for driving without headlights. Officer says client failed all field sobriety tests. Case fully investigated and prepared for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS BEOFRE TRIAL
September 9, 2022
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test taken and purported to be over the limit. Case prepared for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS BEOFRE TRIAL
August 23, 2022
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test of .142. Major accident. Full investigation done. Experts hired and trial prepared.RESULT: NOT GUILTY
May 10, 2022
Case: Client charged with two felony cases. Client if officer in US Military. Full investigation is done. Case is set for jury trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON DAY OF JURY TRIAL
May 10, 2022
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor of Possession of a Dangerous Drug. Full investigation done including drug testing expert. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL
May 4, 2022
Case: Client charged with DWI over .15. Full investigation done. Expert on blood draws hired for defense. Suppression hearing and the blood results are kept out of trial due to legal issues. Case is set for trial.RESULT: 5 DAYS BEFORE JURY SELECTION, CASE DISMISSED
April 25, 2022
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault/Family Violence/Deadly Weapon, 1st degree felony and Endangering a Child, 2nd Degree Felony. Full investigation done immediately. Background of adult complainant researched.RESULT: ALL FELONY CASES DISMISSED
April 1, 2022
Case: Client charged with Felony DWI. Blood test was .17. Full investigation done. Expert hired regarding blood test. 6-day jury trial was held.RESULT: TRIAL = HUNG JURY, Client goes home
March 29, 2022
Case: Client charged with DWI. Horrible one-car accident. Blood test done by Government lab showing over the legal limit. Full investigation done including experts used.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
March 4, 2022
Case: DWI/Blood test case with accident. Full investigation done. Suppression hearing held and blood is suppressed. State proceeds forward with case.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 5 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL
February 14, 2022
Case: Client charged with and arrested for Endangering a Child (2nd Degree Felony) and Aggravated Assault Family Violence (1st Degree Felony). Immediate investigation done after being hired. Statement by alleged victim was obtained. Statement was provided to the State of Texas.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED
January 5, 2022
Case: High profile client charged with DWI. Chemical tests from the Police Lab indicating multiple controlled substances in client’s system at time of arrest and driving. Full investigation done. Multiple pretrial hearings held in preparation for a jury trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
December 20, 2021
Case: Client charged with prohibited sex allegations. Four (4) different criminal felony charges. State of Texas provides notice of DNA. Full investigatiin done. Multiple contested pretrial hearings held. Three (3) weeks before jury trial ...RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
December 3, 2021
Case: Client was charged with DWI. Police alleged several traffic violations, including driving down the middle of two lanes. Officer said our client "Fell out of his truck" when they stopped him. Officer claimed our client failed all three sobriety tests and obtained a blood test result of 0.137 After a full and complete investigation the case was set for trial. During the two day jury trial the officer was exposed as a liar and prosecutors were exposed for keeping vital information from the jury. The blood analyst, and her results, were destroyed during cross examination.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT
November 9, 2021
Case: Client was charged with DWI. Client was found passed out on the side of the Highway, in the driver's seat of vehicle. Sobriety tests were conducted and client was arrested for DWI. Police located methamphetamine inside the client’s pockets. Blood Draw was conducted and results indicated methamphetamine was also present in client’s system. A full and complete investigation was conducted and the case prepared for trial. Two day jury trial.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT
October 13, 2021
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test is suppressed prior to trial. Full investigation. Two day jury trial.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT
September 21, 2021
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test and accident. Full investigation done. Case was 2 weeks away from jury selection.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
September 16, 2021
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Case is fully investigated, witnesses interviewed in preparation of trial.RESULT: 2 WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL; CASE DISMISSED
September 8, 20211
Case: Client charged with DWI. Breath test almost twice the legal limit. Full investigation was done. Jury was selected to hear the case.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON DAY OF TRIAL
August 25, 2021
Case: Client charged with the Offense of Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including investigating background of alleged victim.RESULT: A WEEK BEFORE TRIAL TO BEGIN, CASE DISMISSED
July 27, 2021
Case: Client charged with DWI (2nd offense). Full investigation done and expert hired to challenge blood. Case is set for trial.RESULT: Case Dismissed 1 week before trial
July 26, 2021
Case: Client charged with Deadly Conduct. Allegation of pointing gun at another person. Case fully investigated. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED
July 21, 2021
Case: Client charged with DWI/Open Container. Blood test over the legal limit. Full investigation done. Jury trial held.RESULT: NOT GUILTY
July 2, 2021
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done. A jury is picked for the jury trial. Hearing 1 day before evidence is to begin. State DISMISSED case. Client would have lost freedom, residence and his job if convicted.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED
June 22, 2021
Case: 1st Jury Trial after pandemic. Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Looking at 1 year in jail and loss of all gun rights. Jury trial.RESULT: NOT GUILTY
January 15, 2020
Case: Client arrested and originally charged with Felony Endangering a Child and Class A Assault Family Violence. Extensive investigation conducted during the case.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL
January 3, 2020
Case: Client charged with two Counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a child. Extensive and expansive investigation done. On date of trial announcement.....RESULT: BOTH COUNTS DISMISSED BY THE GOVERNMENT
November 21, 2019
Case: Client charged with DWI > .15; a Class A Misdemeanor. Blood result came back as .159. Client looked really good on video and lab expert identified issues with the reliability of the blood testing.RESULT: NOT GUILTY
November 11, 2019
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault. Pretrial held and case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED DAY OF TRIAL
October 31, 2019
Case: Client charged with Assault.RESULT: CLIENT FOUND NOT GUILTY BY JURY
October 21, 2019
Case: Client has a CDL, and he likely would have lost his job with a conviction. After a pretrial hearing, the HGN was kept out of evidence.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON DAY OF JURY SELECTION
September 24, 2019
Case: Client charged with Assault. Pretrial held and case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO JURY SELECTION
September 23, 2019
Case: Charge of assault against client. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED DAY BEFORE TRIAL
August 29, 2019
Case: Client arrested and charged with DWI > .15. State claimed a lab result of .179 BAC. A full investigation was done. A hearing challenging the stop as being illegal was held and denied. An investigation into the blood testing was done and errors were identified. Due to unforeseen delays, the case took over 2 ½ years to make it to trial; the client's life hanging in limbo the entire time. A 3 ½ day jury trial was conducted with the blood result coming into evidence. The defense put up one witness: a lab auditor.RESULT: The jury found the client NOT GUILTY
July 19, 2019
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done and is set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED THE FRIDAY BEFORE TRIAL
May 10, 2019
Case: Client charged with 1st Degree Felony of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. Full investigation done, experts hired. Case set for trial.RESULT: THE FRIDAY BEFORE TRIAL CASE IS DISMISSED
April 29, 2019
Case: Client charged with Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child. The alleged victim was his adopted daughter. Full and complete investigation done and aggressive cross examination of each of the State’s witnesses to expose the truth.RESULT: VERDICT OF “NOT GUILTY”
March 2019
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full and complete investigation.RESULT: PROSECUTION DISMISSES CASE 4 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL
March 2019
Case: Client charged with felony level PCS on school grounds. Full investigation done.RESULT: PROSECUTION DISMISSES CASE
February 2019
Case: Client charged with Felony Injury to a Child (Spanking). Full investigation done and case is set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED FRIDAY BEFORE TRIAL
October 2018
Case: Client is charged with Class A Hindering Apprehension. Faced a year in jail and loss of professional license.RESULT: COURT GRANTS DIRECTED VERDICT OF ACQUITTAL ON SECOND DAY OF TRIAL
August 2018
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault of his son’s daughter. Full investigation done, some of which was provided to the State of Texas.RESULT: CASE IS NOT INDICTED - CASE IS OVER
July 2018
Case: Class A misdemeanor Assault case. Full and complete investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED DAY BEFORE TRIAL
June 2018
Case: Client charged with Accident Involving Death and Tampering with a Witness. Full investigation done. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO TRIAL
June 2018
Case: Client charged with Indecency with a Child. Full and complete investigation done. Witness admits twice during 7 day trial the prosecutor told her how to testify.RESULT: NOT GUILTY IN UNDER 20 MINUTES
April 30, 2018
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault, 2nd degree felony. Two year exhaustive investigation done with more than 10 witness statements. Case was set for trial.RESULT: ON THE DATE OF TRIAL ANNOUNCEMENT STATE OF TEXAS DISMISSES CHARGES
April 24, 2018
Case: Client charged with Intoxication Assault. High speed accident and passenger received serious bodily injury. Full and exhaustive investigation. 8-day jury trial. Blood results were .172, more than twice the legal limit.RESULT: Jury Finds client NOT GUILTY of Intoxication Assault
March 6, 2018
Case: Client charged with Burglary of a Habitation. Punishment range 2 to 20 years in prison if convicted. Full investigation done and Grand Jury packet prepared and presented to the Grand Jury.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLED” CLIENT. CASE OVER. 2 YEARS CASE WILL BE EXPUNGED
December 14, 2017
Case: EMT charged with Assault Family Violence. Anything other than a win or a dismissal would have cost him his job. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT THE SECOND COURT APPEARANCE
December 12, 2017
Case: Client charged with two class A misdemeanors. Full investigation done. Much but not all of the investigation was given to or explained to the prosecutor. Client was looking at 1 year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine on both cases.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL ANNOUNCEMENT
November 19, 2017
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. 2nd degree felony. Investigation done prior to Grand Jury presentation and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
November 27, 2017
Case: Client was charged with two offenses of Aggravated Assault Causing Serious Bodily Injury. Client had previous felony convictions and the punishment range was 25 to life on both cases. Full investigation done. Expert brought on board to help with the defense of the case.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO TRIAL
October 24, 2017
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Class A misdemeanor with a range of up to 1 year in jail. Alleged victim had cut above eye that needed stitches. Bloody photos were admitted into evidence by the State. A full and exhaustive investigation was done by Griffith & Associates to prove that there was no assault, only an accidental fall.RESULT: JURY RETURNS VERDICT OF “NOT GUILTY” IN 20 MINUTES
October 12, 2017
Case: Client charged with Prescription Fraud. Client is a nurse and if indicted or convicted would likely lose her job. Full investigation done and information provided to District Attorney.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION/ NO INDICTMENT
September 20, 2017
Case: Suppression hearing held on a case for client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Constitutionality of police actions were vigorously challenged at hearing.RESULT: ALL EVIDENCE SUPPRESSED
September 8, 2017
Case: Client charged with Cruelty to Animals. Full investigation done. Prosecutor states the case will be tried to a jury. A jury trial date is set.RESULT: STATE DISMISSES CASE PRIOR TO TRIAL
April 21, 2017
Case: Client charged with Continuous Sexual Assault of a Child. Client is 64-years old and punishment range, if found guilty is 25-life, no parole. Exhaustive investigation done. One week jury trial held.RESULT: JURY FINDS CLIENT “NOT GUILTY”
April 5, 2017
Case: DWI over .15. Accident on major highway. Client arrest with blood test results of .189. Full investigation done. Blood was suppressed during trial.RESULT: NOT GUILTY
January 24, 2017
Case: Active duty police officer arrested for Class A misdemeanor. Full investigation done and hearing on the unconstitutionality of the statute he was charged under was held.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO COURT RULING ON CONSTITUTIONALITY OF STATUTE
January 12, 2017
Case: Client charged with 3rd degree Injury to a Child. Immediate investigation done with witness statements.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
December 20, 2016
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation one and many witnesses interview by the defense. 1 week jury trial was held. Pictures of alleged victim with bruise and swelling on eye said to have been caused by a punch from the Defendant. Full cross-examination of all of the State’s witness. Trial ended in a hung-jury, 4 for not guilty, 2 for guilty. Upon approaching the second setting to trial this case again the following result.RESULT: CLIENT TAKES 12 HOUR ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS, CASE TO BE DISMISSED (NO CONVICTION)
November 18, 2016
Case: Client charged with Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child. Client 58-years old. Punishment range if found guilty is no less than 25 years in prison up to life, with no parole. A full, exhaustive investigation done. 2-week jury trial. Defense calls no witnesses.RESULT: JURY TRIAL VERDICT; “NOT GUILTY”
November 10, 2016
Case: Client charged with Attempted Aggravated Assault and a 2nd offense of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. Full investigation done, no stone left un-turned. Announced ready for trial.RESULT: BOTH CASES WERE DISMISSED
November 2, 2016
Case: DWI charge. Blood test showed over the legal limit. Full investigation done and client requested a jury trial. Through cross-examination only, with no defense expert, the blood was discredited as testified to by the State’s “expert”.RESULT: NOT GUILTY
October 24, 2016
Case: Client placed on probation in 2015 and within a 6 month period 5 different allegations to revoke probation were filed and client was arrested. While in custody we had a professional/certified addiction specialist counsel with client on many occasions. The offer on the case by the State had previously been 600 days in a State Jail Facility (prison).RESULT: BY AGREEMENT, CLIENT IS CONTINUED ON PROBATION WITH DRUG TREATMENT ADDITIONS. NO STATE JAIL TIME
September 16, 2106
Case: Client charged with Class A offense of Violation of a Protective Order. Exhaustive investigation done. Client and case prepared for trial.RESULT: Jury Trial for 4 days. VERDICT: NOT GUILTY
August 4, 2016
Case: Client charged with Assault Family Violence. 4 day jury trial held.RESULT: HUNG JURY, 5 FOR NOT GUILTY, 1 FOR GUILTY. NO CONVICTION
July 11, 2016
Case: Client charged with Murder. There are 5 co-defendants. Full investigation conducted including trip to El Salvador. Alleged MS-13 Gang Assassination. Experts hired and consulted with. Hearings held regarding suppression issues and other matters.RESULT: CLIENT’S CASE IS DISMISSED, ALL OTHER CO-DEFENDANT’S PLEAD GUILTY TO MURDER.
June 29, 2016
Case: Client charged with 2nd degree drug case. Punishment range is 2 to 20 years in prison. Full investigation done including witness statements that were provided to the Grand Jury.RESULT: CASE “NO-BILLED” BY GRAND JURY, NO INDICTMENT, CASE DISMISSED.
June 22, 2016
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test returned as .272. An accident occurred where our client rear ended another vehicle at 1:30 a.m. on New Year’s Day. Full investigation done, expert hired and testified regarding the blood testing.RESULT: JURY FINDS CLIENT “NOT GUILTY”
June 15, 2016
Case: 30 year veteran of Fire Department charged with Assault/Family Violence. A conviction would have ruined his stellar career. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL
June 15, 2016
Case: Client charged with Indecency with a Child. Full investigation done, witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED/DISMISSED
June 14, 2016
Case: Client charged with theft offense. Case was set on trial docket. Full investigation was done and completed.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
June 10, 2016
Case: Client charged with crime with 25 to life sentence, no parole if found guilty. 1st trial ended in a hung jury, no verdict.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
May 12, 1016
Case: Client charged with Assault. Allegation is that male client struck female in the face with his fist. Full investigation done and case prepared for trial.RESULT: JURY TRIAL (NOT GUILTY VERDICT IN 3 MINUTES)
May 11, 1016
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Trial held where we admitted the marihuana was clients but argued the police broke the law in detaining client in the first place. Jury trial was held. Hung jury, 4 for not guilty, 2 for guilty.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED BY STATE
March 18, 2016
Case: Client charged with DWI. One car roll-over accident. Blood test .091. Full investigation done including witness statements and expert assistance on blood results.RESULT: JURY TRIAL (NOT GUILTY)
February 22, 2016
Case: Client charged with two crimes. Assault/Family Violence and Interfering with an Emergency Call. Complete investigation done including audio taped interview of the alleged victim. Affidavits and witness statements also taken. Case is set for trial immediately.RESULT: JURY PICKED, STATE DISMISSES CASE AFTER 1ST WITNESS
February 9, 2016
Case: Client charged with Felony Theft. Full investigation done, including witness statements and accounting review.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
February 1, 2016
Case: Client served with a temporary protective order for alleged family violence. If Protective Order is granted it will affect him for the rest of his life. A full blown hearing is held and intense cross examination of the person saying she needs the protection.RESULT: NO PROTECTION ORDER ISSUED, NO FAMILY VIOLENCE FINDING
January 28, 2016
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor offense of Reckless Driving. Full investigation done. Jury trial.RESULT: ?NOT GUILTY? VERDICT IN 8 MINUTES
January 7, 2016
Case: Client initially charged with 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault. The day of trial for felony charge case is reduced to Class A misdemeanor. The day for trial announcement wherein we announced ready for trial the State of Texas dismisses all charges.RESULT: FELONY DISMISSED, MISDEMEANOR DISMISSED
January 4, 2016
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done. Multiple court appearances. Case was set for a setting for a trial. Tarrant County case.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
December 14, 2015
Case: Client was placed on 5 years Deferred probation. Client came to me to request I file a Motion for Early Release as allowed by law. However, the early release is within the discretion of the Judge that hears the Motion. Hearing took two days. Client finished nursing school but cannot sit for boards until such time as she is off probation.RESULT: CLIENT RELEASED EARLY FROM PROBATION AND CASE DISMISSED, CAN SIT FOR BOARDS FOR NURSING CAREER
December 9, 2015
Case: Client charged with 3rd Degree Felony (Dallas County). Grand jury packet investigated and prepared. Grand Jury packet was provided to the Grand Jury. Had client been indicted he would have lost his job and pension and much more.RESULT: GRAND JURY NO-BILL, NOT INDICTED, NOT CHARGED
December 1, 2015
Case: Client charged with DWI, Class A Misdemeanor. Blood test of .214 (.08) is legal limit. Full investigation done. Suppression hearing held along with a brief presented to the court regarding the invalid nature of the stop by the police officer.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED WITHOUT TRIAL DUE TO SUCCESS AT SUPPRESSION HEARING
November 13, 2015
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test is .131. Full investigation done. Intense cross examination of arresting officer and blood analyst.RESULT: NOT GUILTY JURY VERDICT
October 14, 2015
Case: Client is charged with State Jail Felony, Possession of a controlled substance. Also charged, out of same event, of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a 2nd degree felony with a potential prison sentence of 20 years. Full and complete investigation done including photographs, interviews and electronic searches.RESULT: AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON (DISMISSED); DEFERRED PROBATION FOR DRUG CHARGE, NO CONVICTION.
October 13, 2015
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault of a Child. Education and extracurricular activity stopped because of accusation. Full investigation done. Witnesses interviewed.RESULT: CASE IS “NO-BILLED BY GRAND JURY”. CASE IS OVER.
September 21, 2015
Case: Client charged with DWI will blood test over the legal limit. Full investigation done. Blood expert hired and notice of Expert was filed with the State of Texas.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
September 18, 2015
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done and witness statements obtained. Client wrecked out on the road and hit a gas main and cause major damage. Blood test came back over the legal limit. Suppression hearing set to be heard.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO SUPPRESSION HEARING.
September 14, 2015
Case: Client charged with 3rd degree felony, Injury to a Child. Punishment range up to 10 years in prison. Full investigation done including expert witness notification by the Defense. Case is set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL DATE.
August 31, 2015
Case: Client had Motion to Revoke Probation for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. If probation was revoked, client was looking at potentially 20 years in prison.RESULT: MOTION TO REVOKE WAS WITHDRAWN BY STATE, PLACED BACK ON PROBATION WITH 2 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS.
August 26, 2015
Case: Client arrested and charged with Indecency with a Child (Felony). Full investigation done and witness statements taken and turned over to the police.RESULT: POLICE DROP CHARGES, CASE OVER.
August 24, 2015
Case: Client pulled over for Fictitious License Plate and Fictitious Registration. A weapon was found in the car when the police did inventory search after the arrest. Full investigation done.RESULT: NO GUN CHARGE, NO FICTITIOUS REGISTRATION CHARGE, TIME SERVED (2) DAYS ON THE FICTITIOUS LICENSE PLATE.
July 31, 2015
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor offense. Case set for trial and full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
July 17, 2015
Case: Client charged with Class A DWI with blood test of .163. Looking at 1 year in jail and a $4,000.00. Full investigation done including all blood discovery done. Intensive preparation. Courtney Stamper and Chad Hughes tried this case.RESULT: ?NOT GUILTY VERDICT?
June 18, 2015
Case: Client charged with DWI (Class A Misdemeanor). Blood test of .214. Full investigation done. Blood evidence attacked at trial.RESULT: NOT GUILTY.
June 3, 2015
Case: Client charge with Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON TRIAL CONFIRMATION DAY.
June 3, 2015
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd. Suppression hearing held. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON TRIAL CONFIRMATION DAY.
May 27, 2015
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Full investigation done and witness statements taken.RESULT: GRAND JURY ISSUED A “NO-BILL”, CASE IS OVER WITHOUT PROSECUTION.
May 27, 2015
Case: Client charged with Unauthorized use of a Motor Vehicle. Full investigation done. Statements taken from witnesses and complainant.RESULT: GRAND JURY ISSUED A “NO-BILL”, CASE IS OVER WITHOUT PROSECUTION.
May 27, 2015
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault. 2nd degree felony. 27 year old mother and wife with a clean criminal history. Full investigation done including witness statements taken. Takes 2 years to get to trial. She was looking at 20 years in prison and being labeled a felon for the rest of her life if she lost.RESULT: Jury panel is qualified for felony trial. State dismisses felony and says will re-file as a misdemeanor. We are anxiously awaiting that trial.
May 15, 2015
Case: Client charged with Public Intoxication. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 6 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL.
May 6, 2015
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Class A misdemeanor. Affidavit taken from alleged victim by defense.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED.
May 4, 2015
Case: Client charged with Violation of a Protective Order and Assault/Family Violence. Class A Misdemeanors. Full investigation done including witness statements and surveillance.RESULT: CASES DISMISSED.
April 23, 2015
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated. Full investigation done. Intensive legal research done regarding legal right to actually pull client over. Suppression hearing was held challenging the reason for the stop, which if granted, means nothing is left for State as far as “evidence”.RESULT: MOTION TO SUPPRESS IS GRANTED.
April 15, 2015
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. 2nd degree felony with a punishment range of 2 to 20 years in prison. Full investigation done. 3 witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE “NO-BILLED” BY GRAND JURY/ NO PROSECUTION.
April 8, 2015
Case: Client charged with DWI. State alleged that client was dragging another person with his truck in a parking lot. The events were all caught on video and shown to the jury. Officer testified that Solo cups inside of truck smelled of alcohol. After two days of trial, jury returned a NOT GUILTY verdict.RESULT: 2 DAY JURY TRIAL/ VERDICT (NOT GUILTY).
April 2, 2015
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Firearm by a Felon. Investigation done and statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED.
April 1, 2015
Case: Client is charged with Felon in Possession of a Firearm. Investigation done including a witness statement taken.RESULT: CASE IS REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
March 25, 2015
Case: Client charged with Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon. Videotape of client’s vehicle parked in the middle of the road. Officer found open alcohol containers in the vehicle and a handgun. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AFTER CLIENT PLEAD NOT GUILTY.
March 9, 2015
Case: Client facing 20 years, aggravated time in prison based on State filing Motion to Revoke Probation. Full investigation done including three affidavits obtained from witnesses.RESULT: AT THE START OF THE HEARING MOTION TO REVOKE IS WITHDRAWN BY STATE OF TEXAS. CLIENT RELEASED BACK ON PROBATION.
March 6, 2015
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated/Open Container. On videotape client admits to three beers and a double shot of Jack Daniels. Further, an open beer is found in the console of the vehicle client was driving. Client requested jury trial.RESULT: 2 DAY JURY TRIAL; (NOT GUILTY VERDICT)
February 19, 2015
Case: Client charged with Burglary of a Habitation. Punishment range is 5 years to life in prison. Jury trial is held. Three witnesses for the State say they saw client kick in a door and assault two of the witnesses. Full and complete cross examination was conducted of each of these witnesses. After the State of Texas finishes its case a plea bargain of Criminal Trespass and time-served was offered and accepted by client.RESULT: PLEA BARGAIN OFFER OF “TIME-SERVED” FOR CLASS MISDEMEANOR ACCEPTED
February 13, 2015
Case: Client charged with Class Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including affidavit from “alleged” victim. Affidavit was provided to the State.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO PRETRIAL HEARING IN PREPARATION FOR TRIAL
February 11, 2015
Case: Client charged with Racing on a Highway. Client was provided with a plea bargain agreement that would have resulted in a conviction. Prosecutor said this would be pulled off the table if client did not take it. Client did not know how to proceed. Attorneys ask “were you racing?”, answer from client “no”. Then sometimes you must trust the system and stand on principle and put this to a jury to get the justice you are owed.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 29, 2015
Case: Client charged with 1st Degree Felony, Injury to a Child. Punishment range 5 to life in prison. Intensive investigation done including the hiring of a nationally recognized medical expert. First offer in the case in July of 2014 was 40 years in prison. Hearings were held, Motions filed. Case was set for jury trial on February 2, 2015.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 3 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL; DEFENDANT WINS WITHOUT HAVING TO FACE RISK OF A JURY TRIAL
January 7, 2015
Case: Client charged with both Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon and Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done. Suppression hearing held.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED 4 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL
December 16, 2014
Case: Firefighter charged with felony Assault. Full investigation done and affidavits taken from witnesses.RESULT: GRAND JURY DOES NOT INDICT
December 12, 2014
Case: Client charged with Deadly Conduct. Punishment range of up to 1 year in county jail. Video evidence presented at trial by State of client firing weapon.RESULT: JURY VERDICT, ZERO DAYS IN JAIL. Client not eligible for probation. Jury could give 365 days in jail.
December 4, 2014
Case: Client charged with Felony Theft. Full investigation done and witness statements taken.RESULT: STATE DISMISSED THE CHARGES
December 3, 2014
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON DATE OF PRETRIAL HEARINGS
November 25, 2014
Case: Client charged with Interfering with Emergency Call. Full investigation done. Affidavit taken from alleged victim.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
November 25, 2014
Case: Client charged with felony offense of Unlawful Use of a Motor Vehicle. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
November 23, 2014
Case: Client charged with the felony offense of Injury to a Child. Full investigation done.RESULT: GRAND JURY DOES NOT INDICT CLIENT
November 17, 2014
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Kaufman County. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
September 10, 2014
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done and jury trial requested.RESULT: JURY RETURNS A VERDICT OF “NOT GUILTY” IN 3 MINUTES
September 5, 2014
Case: Client charged with felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance. Investigation done. Two witness statements taken and the disciplinary history of officer making arrest was obtained.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
August 15, 2014
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Tampering with Evidence. Complete investigation done. Legal research done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
July 31, 2014
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana and Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon. A full investigation done and defense filed and had a Motion to Suppress regarding whether the police officer has a constitutional reason to come into contact with client.RESULT: BEFORE COURT RULES ON MOTION TO SUPPRESS; STATE DISMISSED BOTH CASES
July 21, 2014
Case: Client charged with Theft of Property. Full investigation done with witness statements.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT SETTING
July 21, 2014
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd. Full investigation done including extensive research regarding illegalities of police conduct.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT SETTING
July 9, 2014
Case: Client charged with Deadly Conduct. Full investigation done including mapping of the scene. Witness statements taken.RESULT: AT FINAL COURT APPEARANCE BEFORE TRIAL CASE DISMISSED
July 9, 2014
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including witness statements, visiting the scene and legal research.RESULT: AT FINAL COURT APPEARANCE BEFORE TRIAL CASE DISMISSED
July 3, 2014
Case: Client charged with Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance. Full investigation done. Motion filed.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
July 3, 2014
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. Extensive investigation done including multiple affidavits by our investigator.RESULT: ONE WEEK PRIOR TO TRIAL SETTING: CASE DISMISSED
July 1, 2014
Case: Client charged with Class A Theft. 8 affidavits taken from witnesses during the investigation.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
June 16, 2014
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION BY STATE OF TEXAS
June 16, 2014
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done, including research of City Ordinances and video and photographing of the scene of the arrest. Motion to Suppress is filed to challenge the constitutionality of the stop and encounter. Officer is subpoenaed by defense to appear at suppression hearing.RESULT: Day before Suppression Hearing State of Texas DISMISSES CHARGES
June 12, 2014
Case: Client charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Pretrial hearing denied by court. Trial is set. Jury panel ready to come in so we can pick the jury and start the trial.RESULT: PROSECUTOR DISMISSES CASE PRIOR TO JURY SELECTION; CLIENT WINS
May 13, 2014
Case: Client charged with Theft. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED BY STATE OF TEXAS, NO PROSECUTION
May 1, 2014
Case: Client charged with Assault. If convicted he would lose his job and his pension for which he has only 1 year to complete. Full investigation done and photographic exhibits prepared.RESULT: JURY TRIAL HELD UNTIL 9:00 P.M. CLIENT WINS!
April 30, 2014
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Multiple court settings were attended.RESULT: TWO WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL CONFRIMATION; CASE DISMISSED
April 28, 2014
Case: Client charged with POM. Search issues regarding constitutional violations by police.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT 3RD COURT APPEARANCE
April 24, 2014
Case: Client charged with DWI 1st offense. Multiple issues researched and briefed regarding unconstitutional acts by police. Issues presented to the prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
April 8, 2014
Case: Client charged with DWI. Suppression hearing held regarding illegal reason for police contact with client.RESULT: STOP IS SUPPRESSED. CASE DISMISSED
April 7, 2014
Case: Client charged with Ordinance violation. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
April 3, 2014
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault, 2nd Degree Felony.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FINAL PRETRIAL HEARING
February 12, 2014
Case: Client charged with DWI with a Child Passenger, 3r degree felony. Full investigation done including witness statements.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
February 5, 2014
Case: Client charged with Criminal Mischief. Class A misdemeanor. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED THE DAY OF FINAL PRETRIAL
January 31, 2014
Case: Juvenile client charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance in a Drug Free Zone. Third Degree felony. Full investigation done.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO BILLS” CLIENT - CASE IS OVER.
January 28, 2014
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including affidavits from witnesses.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
January 28, 2014
Case: Client charged with Class A Theft. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
January 22, 2014
Case: Client charged with Improper Photography or Visual Recording. Felony Offense.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO BILL”- NOT INDICTED
January 22, 2014
Case: Juvenile client charged with sexual assault of a child. Full investigation done including witness statements and criminal background checks.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION (Fair prosecutor following her oath)
January 21, 2014
Case: Client charged with DWI (2nd Offense). Full investigation done and all evidence reviewed.RESULT: CASE REJECTED PRIOR TO FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
January 21, 2014
Case: Client charged with Abandon/Endanger a Child with Imminent Danger for Bodily Injury. Felony case. Full investigation done including witness statements.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
January 3, 2014
Case: Client charged with Class A Assault, looking at 1 year in jail and up to $4,000.00 fine. Full investigation done including witness statements.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 3, 2014
Case: Client charged with two (2) theft cases.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 2, 2014
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd. Full investigation done. Motion to Suppress evidence was conducted.RESULT: 2 DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING THE TRIAL…CASE DISMISSED
December 31, 2013
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor of Assault. Full investigation done. Punishment range for this offense is up to one year in jail.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AFTER 45 DAY DEFERRED DISPOSITION PROGRAM, NO CRIMINAL HISTORY
December 20, 2013
Case: Client charged with Felony Evading Arrest. Video reviewed and witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
December 19, 2013
Case: Client charged with Indecency with a Child. Full investigation done including many witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
November 26, 2013
Case: Client charged with 3rd Degree Felony Theft. Full investigation done including statement taken from person that brought the charges. This was provided to the investigating agency.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
November 20, 2013
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done including the issue of illegal searches. Portions of investigation one provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
November 19, 2013
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana and assault. If client is convicted or even receives probation his military career will be ended.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO ANY COURT HEARINGS, NO FILE, NO CONVICTION
November 6, 2013
Case: Client charged with Indecency with A Child By Contact. Full investigation done including witnesses statements taken. Portions of investigation provided to prosecution for presentation to Grand Jury.RESULT: CASE “NO-BILLED” BY GRAND JURY. NO OFFICIAL CHARGE TO BE FILED
October 24, 2013
Case: Client charged with resisting arrest, fleeing. Two misdemeanor class A Misdemeanors. Full investigation done including finding a videotape the State said did not exist.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
October 24, 2013
Case: Client charged with the 3rd degree felony offense of Assault/Family Violence by Choking. 2 to 10 years in prison was punishment range. Full investigation done. Witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO MISDEMEANOR ASSAULT (NO FAMILY VIOLENCE), 1 YEAR PROBATION
October 23, 2013
Case: Client charged with the offense of Driving While Intoxicated. Full investigation conduction and research done.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS C OFFENSE OF PUBLIC INTOXICATION, AWAITING TRIAL
October 15, 2013
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor, (Resisting Arrest, Search or Transport). Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
October 9, 2013
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Intensive investigation done including interview and affidavit from alleged victim.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
September 24, 2013
Case: Client charged with Felony Theft. Allegation is that he stole and 18-wheeler. Case originated in Ellis County, Texas. Client was arrest on the felony warrant in Maryland. Client awaiting extradition to Texas under the Texas warrant. Full investigation done including an affidavit from the alleged victim of the theft.RESULT: WARRANT LIFTED, NO CRIMINAL CHARGES TO BE FILED. CASE IS OVER. CLIENT NOT EXTRADITED TO TEXAS
September 11, 2013
Case: Client charged with Abuse of 911 Call. Full investigation done, contested hearing held. Trial was set.RESULT: DATE TO ANNOUNCE READY FOR TRIAL CASE IS DISMISSED
September 4, 2013
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance. Full investigation done. Several hearing held.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL
August 22, 2013
Case: Client arrested for Indecency with a Child. Full investigation done. Statements taken for witnesses.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO BILLS” THE CASE
August 16, 2013
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity. Full investigation done and statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
August 8, 2013
Case: Client charged with the felony offense of Driving While Intoxicated with a Child Passenger. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
August 7, 2013
Case: Client charged with two (2) class A Misdemeanors of Violation of a Protective Order. Full investigation done, witnesses interviewed and forensic phone analysis done.RESULT: DAY OF TRIAL ANNOUNCEMENT CASES DISMISSED
August 6, 2013
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Forgery. Full investigation done. Two hearings held in this matter.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 1 WEEK BEFORE TRIAL SETTING
July 30, 2013
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor Assault/Causing Bodily Injury. Full investigation done. Pretrial hearing held. Trial confirmation pending.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
July 25, 2013
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Robbers, a 1st Degree Felony. Full investigation done. Witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
July 16, 2013
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done including detailed review of officer’s videotape of the stop and arrest. Provided case-law and statutes to the prosecutor indicating we would win a Motion to Suppress and would certainly have one if this case went forward.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
July 9, 2013
Case: Juvenile client charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance on a School Facility. Full investigation done.RESULT: JUVENILE TO COMPLETE DIVERSIONARY PROGRAM AND NO COURT FILE MADE. NO CONVICTION
July 9, 2013
Case: Juvenile client charged with Felony Criminal Mischief. Full investigation done and witness statements taken.RESULT: JUVENILE WILL COMPLETE DIVERSIONARY PROGRAM FOR MISDEMEANOR. NO CONVICTION
June 19, 2013
Case: Client on probation for Driving While Intoxicated with Child Passenger. Client violates terms of probation. Full investigation done including the employment of expert witness to testify at the revocation hearing of her probation.RESULT: CLIENT’S PROBATION NOT REVOKED, EXTENDED WITH EXTENSIVE ADDICTION TREATMENT
May 23, 2013
Case: Client charged with the felony offense of Assault Family Violence (Choking). Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
May 22, 2013
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance, a felony. Full investigation done including affidavits.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
May 16, 2013
Case: Client charged with Injury to a Child, 3rd degree felony with punishment range of 2 to 10 years in prison and I fine up to $10,000.00. Defense at trial was justification for punishment. Judge would not even allow this defense to be used in the jury’s consideration contrary to the law.RESULT: 5 MINUTE “NOT GUILTY” VERDICT
May 13, 2013
Case: Client on probation for DWI. Motion to Revoke Probation is filed due to new arrest for felony DWI. Client, if revoked based on the new felony arrest, could receive 180 days in jail, for which he would have to serve all 180 days.RESULT: 6 HOUR HEARING HELD; CLIENT RE-INSTATED ON PROBATION WITH CONDITION THAT HE SPEND 20 DAYS IN JAIL AS A CONDITION OF EXTENDED PROBATION
May 9, 2013
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault of a Child. Looking at 20 years in prison and life-time registration as a sex offender. Full investigation done.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLED”; CASE OVER
May 6, 2013
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Possession of Cocaine. Full investigation done and provided to the prosecution.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; CASE OVER
April 24, 2013
Case: Client charged with Class A Assault. Punishment range up to 1 year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. Intensive investigation done. Case set for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO TRIAL
April 22, 2013
Case: Client was on deferred probation for POM, Class B. While on probation gets a new arrest for POM in another county. State files motion to Adjudicate Guilt and Revoke Probation.RESULT: MOTION TO ADJUDICATE AND REVOKE ARE WITHDRAWN BY COMPASSIONATE PROSECUTOR, CASE IS OVER WITHOUT CONVICTION
April 17, 2013
Case: Hill County case. Client charged with Possession of Dangerous Drug. Punishment possible up to a year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. Investigation done and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL SETTING
April 10, 2013
Case: Tarrant County case. Client charged with two (2) 2nd degree felonies. Bond amount on each felony is $100,000.00. Griffith & Associates hired to handle all aspects of case. First thing done was file a Motion to Reduce the Bonds. Hearing set.RESULT: BONDS REDUCED BY 80% AND CLIENT MAKES BOND
March 18, 2013
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Punishment possible up to a year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. Full investigation done including witness statements in affidavit form. Some statements provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION, CASE OVER
February 28, 2013
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault of a Child. Full investigation one including witness statements.RESULT: CASE “NO-BILLED” BY GRAND JURY, CASE OVER
February 14, 2013
Case: Client charged with the 2nd Degree Felony offense of Burglary of a Habitation. Punishment range up to 20 years in prison. Full investigation done. Case presented to the Grand Jury.RESULT: ?NO-BILLED? CASE IS OVER
February 14, 2013
Case: Client charged with the offense of Driving While Intoxicated 2nd Offense. Punishment range up to 1 year in jail, license suspension for 2 years, and up to $4,000.00 fine. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
February 12, 2013
Case: Client charged with Resisting Arrest, Class A Misdemeanor. Witness statements taken and provided to the prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
February 4, 2013
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Two court hearings held.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AS FINAL COURT HEARING PRIOR TO TRIAL
January 24, 2013
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated. Full investigation one including cross-examination of officer at the hearing regarding client’s driver’s license.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
January 15, 2013
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor of Assault/Family Violence. Affidavit taken from alleged victim and provided to the prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
January 15, 2013
Case: Client charged with Criminal Trespass. Full investigation done including research regarding any prior warnings that client was not allowed to be on the property.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
January 8, 2013
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family violence. A conviction would have life-long ramifications. Full investigation done including witness statements.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 2 DAYS PRIOR TO TRIAL
January 7, 2013
Case: Client charged with the offense of Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done and statements taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
January 7, 2013
Case: Client charged with the offense of Assault/Family Violence. Statements taken from 3 witnesses. Subpoenas issued for trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT TRIAL CONFIRMATION HEARING
January 4, 2013
Case: Client charged with Burglary of a Habitation, 2nd degree felony. Full investigation done including multiple witness statements taken including from the alleged victim.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 12 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL
January 4, 2013
Case: Client charged with Burglary of a Habitation, Felony offense. Full investigation done including an affidavit from the complaining witness. If convicted the punishment range was up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000.00 fine. Trial was set to begin on the 15th of January.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 10 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL
December 28, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Assault/Family Violence. Extensive investigation done including obtaining several affidavits. Affidavits provided to the prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
December 28, 2012
Case: Client charged with 2 counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (2nd degree felonies). Client has previously been to prison for the offense of Deadly Conduct. Full investigation done including witness statements.RESULT: BOTH CASES REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
December 27, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Assault/Family Violence (Impeding Breath or Circulation). Full investigation done including the taking of 6 witness statements.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLS” CLIENT’S CASE. CASE IS OVER
December 20, 2012
Case: Client charged with 2 Counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Punishment range is 5 to life based on prior felony conviction. Full investigation done. 8 witness statements taken. All statements presented to prosecuting attorney prior to Grand Jury presentation.RESULT: GRAND JURY (NO INDICTMENT): CASES ARE OVER FOR CLIENT
December 20, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done and affidavits received in client’s investigation are provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
December 3, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS PRIOR TO FINAL PRETRIAL HEARING BEFORE TRIAL
November 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done and pretrial hearing held. Client would have lost his job and right to own firearms if he lost the case.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AFTER PRETRIAL HEARING
November 12, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor theft. Punishment range of up to 1 year in jail.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS PRIOR TO TRIAL.
November 9, 2012
Case: Family law case tried in Big Spring Texas. Week long jury trial.RESULT: VERDICT IN FAVOR OF CLIENTS OF GRIFFITH & ASSOCIATES.
October 31, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Offense of Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. Full investigation done. Witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
October 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Punishment range is up to one year in jail and $4,000.00 fine if convicted. Witness statements are taken and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
October 24, 2012
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test over legal limit. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO PRETRIAL HEARING.
October 23, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Assault of an Elderly and Misdemeanor Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including witness statements and affidavits.RESULT: FELONY “NO-BILLED” BY GRAND JURY/ MISDEMEANOR DISMISSED AT FIRST APPEARANCE.
October 15, 2012
Case: Client was on 1st Degree felony deferred probation. A motion to revoke probation was filed. If he were to have probation revoked could be looking at life in prison. Complete investigation done with multiple statements etc.RESULT: PROBATION RE-INSTATED, NO JAIL TIME.
September 28, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A Theft. Punishment range of up to 1 year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. State called 7 witnesses, defense called 1 witness. Two day jury trial.RESULT: NOT GUILTY.
September 20, 2012
Case: Client arrested for Assault/Family Violence. Class A misdemeanor. Immediate investigation done including witness statements from 3 witnesses.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
September 17, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Charge of Continuous Assault Family Violence. Full investigation done including affidavits from witnesses etc.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON DAY OF JURY TRIAL.
September 12, 2012
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated. A full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
August 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor Assault. Witness statements taken. Prepared for jury trial.RESULT: DAY BEFORE TRIAL CASE IS DISMISSED.
August 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Class A misdemeanor. Statements taken from witnesses.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
August 23, 2012
Case: Client charged with UUMV. Felony offense. Full investigation done. Grand Jury presentation prepared by defense.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLS” CLIENT. NOT INDICTED. CASE CLOSED.
August 17, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor Assault. Case set for trial. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 10 DAYS FROM TRIAL SETTING.
August 15, 2012
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault. Year long investigation conducted. Expected to be a 7 day jury trial.RESULT: AFTER DEFENSE CROSS-EXAMINES FIRST WITNESS, THE ALLEGED VICTIM, CASE DISMISSED.
August 13, 2012
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including a full interview of the alleged victim.RESULT: 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO TRIAL CASE DISMISSED.
August 8, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle. Investigation done.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLED” CASE - CASE DISMISSED.
August 7, 2012
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including two statements taken from witnesses.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
August 3, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor of Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done. Witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
July 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. 3 month intensive investigation done including multiple witness statements. If convicted client was look at one year in jail, $4,000.00 fine and losing his gun rights for the rest of his life.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FINAL COURT APPEARANCE
July 10, 2012
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
July 10, 2012
Case: Client first charged with Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance. Case reduced to Possession of Dangerous Drug. Full investigation done.RESULT: CLIENT PLEADS TO CLASS C POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHENALIA
July 9, 2012
Case: Client charged with three Class C offenses. Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Minor in Possession of Tobacco, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Suppression hearing held and issues briefed.RESULT: ALL CASES DISMISSED
July 9, 2012
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd. Breath Test well over legal limit. Prosecution stated only a conviction for DWI 2nd would be plea offer.RESULT: AFTER JURY SELECTION STATE OFFERS AND DEFENDANT ACCEPTS PLEA TO “OBSTRUCTION OF A ROADWAY”
July 6, 2012
Case: Client charged with two (2) felony Theft cases. Full investigation done.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED PRIOR TO TRIAL
June 19, 2012
Case: Client charged with DWI with an Open Container. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
June 13, 2012
Case: Client charged with Burglary of a Motor Vehicle. Full investigation done, affidavits taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
June 11, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Delivery of a Controlled Substance. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
June 11, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
June 11, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
June 11, 2012
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
June 5, 2012
Case: Client charged with Manufacture and Delivery of a Controlled Substance. 1st Degree Felony. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
May 31, 2012
Case: Client charged with DUI. Full investigation done and research on reasonable suspicion and probable cause. Suppression hearing scheduled to challenge the stop and arrest.RESULT: ON DAY OF SUPPRESSION HEARING CASE DISMISSED
May 29, 2012
Case: Client charged with violation of deferred probation, State was seeking to revoke Resisting Arrest probation and prosecute for new offense of Failure to ID.RESULT: PROBATION NOT REVOKED, TIME-SERVED ON FAILURE TO ID
May 18, 2012
Case: Client charge with felony drug charge. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
May 3, 2012
Case: Client charged with Theft By Check. Immediate investigation done. Motion for handwriting expert filed.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT PRETRIAL HEARING
May 3, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Offense of Theft. Punishment up to 2 years in a State Jail (Prison). Full investigation done. Witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO MISDEMEANOR, 20 DAYS IN COUNTY JAIL
April 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance in a Correctional Facility. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
April 27, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
April 24, 2012
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor Possession of Marihuana. Investigation done and research provided to prosecutor regarding lack of Reasonable Suspicion.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
April 18, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor, Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done. Two affidavits taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
April 17, 2012
Case: Client charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. Two day hearing held regarding the allegations. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 3 WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL
April 3, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor, Resisting Arrest. Full investigation done including case-law research. Full investigation provided to prosecutor.RESULT: 1 DAY BEFORE TRIAL CONFIRMATION - CASE DISMISSED
March 29, 2012
Case: Client on probation for Felon in Possession of a Firearm. Client also a registered sex offender. While on probation the State of Texas files a Motion to revoke client's probation based on allegations that he failed to register as a sex offender and that he committed felony theft. Two day hearing was held with 16 witnesses.RESULT: PROBATION NOT REVOKED
March 27, 2012
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Theft. Two court appearances had. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
March 27, 2012
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done, witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
March 27, 2012
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Dangerous Drug. Full investigation done and affidavit from witness obtained.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
March 19, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor of Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including affidavit obtained from alleged victim.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
March 12, 2012
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done, suppression hearing held wherein arresting officer was aggressively cross-examined.RESULT: DAY OF TRIAL, DWI DISMISSED, PLEAD TO OBSTRUCTION OF A ROADWAY, TIME-SERVED AND $500.00 FINE
February 23, 2012
Case: Client charge with DWI 2nd offense, Class A Misdemeanor. Full investigation done. Suppression hearing held wherein two police officers were aggressively cross-examined. Case was then set for jury trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED A WEEK BEFORE TRIAL
February 22, 2012
Case: Client charged with DWI/ With Child Passenger, a Felony. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
February 22, 2012
Case: Third Degree Felony of Possession of Controlled Substance. Full investigation done and case-law and research provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DROPPED FROM FELONY TO MISDEMEANOR, AWAITING MISDEMEANOR TRIAL
February 22, 2012
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor Theft of Property. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
February 22, 2012
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd offense. Full investigation done. Conversation with prosecutor regarding the law on reasonable suspicion.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
February 16, 2012
Case: Client charged in Dallas County with DWI. Breath test was .124 and .126. Suppression hearing held, breath test suppressed.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED BY JUDGE
February 14, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony Criminal Mischief. Immediate investigation done. Affidavits taken from witnesses and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
February 10, 2012
Case: Client charged with felony criminal mischief. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
February 10, 2012
Case: Client charged with felony Burglary of a Habitation and criminal trespass. Complete investigation done.RESULT: FELONY DISMISSED, WAITING ON TRIAL FOR CRIMINAL TRESPASS
January 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Theft.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 30, 2012
Case: Client charged with Furnishing Alcohol to Minor, Class A Misdemeanor. Intensive investigation done including video review of transaction.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 26, 2012
Case: Client charged with Felony (3rd degree) Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done.RESULT: 2 WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL....CASE DISMISSED
January 26, 2012
Case: Client charged with felony offense of Money Laundering. Full investigation done, witnesses interviewed and prepared for trial. Suppression hearing held.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 6 DAYS PRIOR TO TRIAL
January 9, 2012
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done including research regarding illegal searches.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
January 5, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class B, Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST APPEARANCE
January 4, 2012
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor, Assault Causing Bodily Injury. Full investigation done. Pretrial hearing held and motions argued and ruled on.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT TRIAL CONFIRMATION HEARING
January 3, 2012
Case: Client charged with Resisting Arrest, Class A Misdemeanor. Full investigation done including witness statements and preservation and review of videotapes.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO FIRST COURT APPEARANCE
December 29, 2011
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity. Full investigation done. Interviews taken.RESULT: FELONY REDUCED TO MISDEMEANOR- TIME-SERVED
December 27, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI (1st offense). Hearing held regarding suspension of driver's license. Ruling for client, license not suspended. Arresting officer cross-examined at this hearing.RESULT: Case is rejected for prosecution
December 27, 2011
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor, Assault Causing Bodily Injury. Pretrial hearing held.RESULT: Case dismissed 10 days prior to trial
December 21, 2011
Case: Client charged with two (2) Class A Misdemeanors, 1. Assault/Family Violence and , 2. Resisting Arrest. Full investigation done.RESULT: 1 WEEK PRIOR TO TRIAL CONFIRMATION BOTH CASES DISMISSED
December 19, 2011
Case: Client charged with 2nd Degree Felony (Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon) and Class A Misdemeanor (Resisting Arrest). Full investigation done. Affidavits from witnesses taken. Prepared for trial on both cases.RESULT: 2ND DEGREE FELONY (DISMISSED)// CLASS A MISDEMEANOR (DEFERRED PROBATION, 1 YEAR)
December 2, 2011
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Theft. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST APPEARANCE
December 1, 2011
Case: Client charged with Class A, Assault/Family violence. Intensive investigation done including the taking of 3 affidavits of witnesses.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST APPEARANCE
November 29, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI (2nd offense). Full investigation done. Medical records obtained regarding physical condition affecting balance of client. Case set for suppression hearing and trial.RESULT: TWO WEEKS BEFORE HEARING, CASE DISMISSED
November 29, 2011
Case: Juvenile case, charged with Class A Theft. Full investigation done and multiple conversations with Juvenile Probation Department and prosecutor.RESULT: PRETRIAL DIVERSION 3 MONTHS. AFTER THREE MONTHS THE CASE WILL BE DISMISSED AND NO FILE WILL EXIST.
November 29, 2011
November 22, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI. Cross examination of officers at a suppression hearing, aggressive cross examination. Full investigation including receiving medical records indicating that client had medical issue that would have made it impossible for her to pass the sobriety tests.Case was set for trial in December.
November 21, 2011
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Lengthy investigation done. Statements taken from 4 witnesses.RESULT: ONE WEEK BEFORE TRIAL - CASE DISMISSED
November 21, 2011
Case: Client charged with Probation Revocation. Client looking at 180 days if probation was revoked.RESULT: MOTION TO REVOKE WITHDRAWN - PROBATION TERMINATED
November 17, 2011
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence, a Class A misdemeanor. Exhaustive investigation done in the case.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
November 17, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI. Hearing held regarding probable cause and reasonable suspicion.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
November 14, 2011
Case: Two client charged with Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity, 1st Degree felonies. Full investigation done, affidavits taken.RESULT: BOTH CASES REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
November 10, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI. Breath Test results of .183 and .187. Prior conviction for furnishing alcohol to a Minor. Client chose to plead guilty, and not request probation. If he received any more than 30 days in jail he would lose his job. Offer from the State of Texas was 60 days in jail. Two day trial was had.RESULT: CLIENT RECEIVED 21 DAYS IN JAIL
October 31, 2011
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated, 2nd offense. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
October 27, 2011
Case: Client charged with Assault Family Violence. Case full investigation along with affidavits.RESULT: REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
October 11, 2011
Case: Client charged with Evading Arrest. Full investigation done and provided to prosecutors.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
October 6, 2011
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault With a Deadly Weapon. 2nd degree felony. Full investigation done and witness statements taken.RESULT: GRAND JURY "NO-BILLED" CLIENT - CASE OVER
October 5, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI and Possession of Marihuana. Suppression hearing held.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED
October 5, 2011
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Dangerous Drug. Drug dogs brought and "hit" on car. Allegedly found growth hormone. Full investigation including conference with chemist. The substance was actually a holistic, over the counter substitute to assist cancer patients. Evidence provided to the State of Texas.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
September 29, 2011
Case: Client charged with Felony Theft over $20,000.00 and under $100,000.00. Thorough investigation done. Case was set for jury trial.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
September 27, 2011
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor, Possession of Dangerous Drugs. Full investigation done along with affidavits that were provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED
September 26, 2011
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Tampering with Physical Evidence. Full investigation done. Preparing for Grand Jury Presentation.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
September 26, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI 2ND offense and Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done and a suppression hearing was scheduled.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED
September 12, 2011
Case: Client charged with Assault and Resisting Arrest. Full investigation done. Pretrial hearing held.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO TRIAL
September 7, 2011
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana and Driving While Intoxicated. Full investigation done including a devastating cross of the arresting officer at the hearing on the driver's license.RESULT: BOTH CASE DISMISSED AND FINAL TRIAL CONFERENCE
September 7, 2011
Case: Client charged with Assault Family Violence. State was offering 150 days in jail. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT TRIAL ANNOUNCEMENT
August 31, 2011
Case: Client charged with Interfering wit Public Duties. Punishment range up to 180 days in Jail. Class B Misdemeanor. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS C (TICKET): 30 DAYS DEFERRED AND $1.00 FINE
August 31, 2011
Case: Client charged with Class B Criminal Mischief. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
August 9, 2011
Case: Client charged with Counterfeiting (Felony). Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
August 9, 2011
Case: Client charged with felony offense of Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
August 5, 2011
Case: Client charged with Felony Theft. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FINAL PRETRIAL HEARING
August 4, 2011
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault. Punishment up to 20 years in prison. Full investigation done. Witness statements taken. Entire procedure and investigation was provided to Grand Jury.RESULT: CLIENT NOT INDICTED; CASE DISMISSED
August 4, 2011
Case: Client charged with Felony Theft over $1,500.00 but less than $20,000.00. Full investigation done including witness statements and surveillance.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION
July 25, 2011
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor Assault. Dallas County case. Full investigation. Case set for trial to begin on the 25th of July, 2011.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO JURY SELECTION; DISMISSED
July 21, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI3rd offense. Full investigation done regarding health issues and other issues affecting client. Investigation turned over to prosecutor.RESULT: CLIENT NO-BILLED BY GRAND JURY; DISMISSED
July 14, 2011
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor Theft of Property. Investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED
July 6, 2011
Case: Client charged with felony probation revocation. Allegation was failing to report and failing to pay fees.RESULT: PROBATION EXTENDED, STATE WITHDREW PETITION TO REVOKE
June 14, 2011
Case: Dallas case. Client charged with DWI. Breath test substantially over the legal limit. Motion to Suppress breath test filed. Hearing held and three witnesses cross-examined.RESULT: BREATH TEST IS SUPPRESSED, CANNOT BE USED IF THIS GOES TO TRIAL.
June 7, 2011
Case: Client on felony probation. Motion filed for early release from probation. 4 hour hearing held regarding issue of early release from felony probation.RESULT: CLIENT RELEASED FROM PROBATION.
June 7, 2011
Case: Client charged with Failure to Give Identifying Information in Accident with Damage Greater than $200.00. Jury trial held for two days. If client loses potential punishment of up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000.00 fine. 8 witnesses called by the State of Texas. Cross examination of each witness by defense. Defense rests with no witnesses.RESULT: NOT GUILTY VERDICT.
June 1, 2011
Case: DPS seeking to revoke the license of three (3) clients. Reasons; Medically unable to drive, too many traffic tickets and failure to pay surcharge. Hearing held after full investigation done for all three client.RESULT: DPS LOSES, CLIENTS WIN, EACH RETAINS HIS AND HER DRIVER'S LICENSES.
May 27, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI, blood test with result of .17. Also charged with Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon. Intense research done regarding all issues of case. Case was set for a pretrial hearing to suppress evidence.RESULT: DWI (DISMISSED)/ UCW (9-MONTHS DEFERRED PROBATION, dismissal if completes the probation).
May 24, 2011
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Delivery of a Controlled Substance and Felony offense of Fraudulent Use of Identifying Information. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED.
May 23, 2011
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor Assault. Punishment range up to 1 year in jail. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS C. SMALL FINE (SAME LEVEL AS TRAFFIC TICKET).
May 12, 2011
Case: Client arrested for Class A theft. Immediate communication with detective handling the case.RESULT: NO CASE WILL BE FILED WITH PROSECUTOR.
May 11, 2011
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated, 2nd offense. ALR hearing won and license not suspended. Transcript of cross-examination of officer at the ALR hearing is supplied to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
May 4, 2011
Case: Client charged with Driving With a Suspended License. Investigation done by the defense.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
April 28, 2011
Case: Client initially charged with Burglary of a Habitation, 2nd degree felony. Videotape of client kicking door in with a bat saying he was going to kill someone inside. Full investigation done to uncover the other side of the story.RESULT: REDUCED TO MISDEMEANOR CRIMINAL MISCHIEF// TIME-SERVED, NO FINE.
April 19, 2011
Case: Client charged with Burglary of Habitation, possible 20 year sentence. Full investigation conducted.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS B MISDEMEANOR.
March 31, 2011
Case: Client charged with Minor in Possession of Alcohol. Case set for trial.RESULT: PRIOR TO TRIAL - CASE DISMISSED.
March 30, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test result of .14. Suppression hearing held. Aggressive cross of arresting officer. Judge suppresses based on lack of probable cause. Client was facing parole revocation if convicted.RESULT: SUPPRESSION HEARING WON - CASE DISMISSED.
March 23, 2011
Case: Client charged with felony offense of Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity. Full investigation done. Motion for release because of delay is filed by defense.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; CLIENT RELEASED.
March 11, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI. Blood test results of .12 and .14. Suppression hearing held. Cross-examination of three troopers.RESULT: COURT RULES NO PROBABLE CAUSE TO ARREST. STATE IS LEFT WITH NO EVIDENCE.
March 3, 2011
Case: Day of trial, with jury selection about to begin. Prosecutor informs the Court that the case will be dismissed.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
March 2, 2011
Case: Ruling from Court that all evidence after unconstitutionally long detention was to be suppressed. Blood tests were involved but the ruling of the Court suppresses that evidence also. State is left with nothing to prosecute.RESULT: STATE OF TEXAS LEFT WITH NO EVIDENCE TO PROCEED.
February 14, 2011
Case: Client charged with 2 first degree felonies. Special prosecutor is appointed. Investigation done be defense uncovers ex-parte (unethical) communication between Judge and prosecutor to raise client's bond. Motion to Recuse Judge was filed.RESULT: HEARING HELD, JUDGE IS REMOVED FROM THE CASE (A motion has also been filed to remove the prosecutor for prosecutorial misconduct).
February 11, 2011
Case: Client is attorney charged with DWI. Full investigation done and cross-examination of arresting officer at hearing prior to trial.RESULT: CASE IS REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
February 11, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE IS REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
February 9, 2011
Case: Client charged with Assault of a Public Servant (Police Officer). Full investigation done.RESULT: PROSECUTOR REJECTS PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
January 31, 2011
Case: Client charged with Interference With Public Duties. Investigation conducted by the Defense.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
January 27, 2011
Case: Client charged with Class A Theft. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST APPEARANCE.
January 20, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd offense. Full investigation done. Suppression hearing set. Witnesses subpoenaed.RESULT: 5 minutes before suppression hearing starts State DISMISSED the case.
January 3, 2011
Case: Client charged with DWI. Breath test over the limit. Full investigation done and suppression hearing was set to challenge probable cause and also to challenge admissibility of Breath Test due to coercive statements by the police.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON DATE OF SUPPRESSION HEARING; NOT GUILTY.
December 21, 2010
Case: Client charged with 2nd Degree felony theft. Punishment range is up to 20 years in prison. Full investigation done. Interviews taken. Entire episode is caught on police videotape.RESULT: CASE DROPPED TO CLASS A MISDEMEANOR THEFT. SENTENCE IS "TIME-SERVED: NO FINE".
December 16, 2010
Case: Client charged with two Misdemeanors; Theft and Criminal Trespass. Full investigation done.RESULT: BOTH CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
December 7, 2010
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Class a misdemeanor with terrible ramifications if convicted. Witnesses interviewed. Statements by State's witnesses that client was hitting complainant while in a vehicle and then after exiting vehicle.RESULT: Assault/Family Violence dismissed. Plead to assault and got 6 months deferred probation. Successful completion of 6 months probation and no conviction for anything.
December 3, 2010
Case: Client charged with Assault of a Public Servant (Police Officer). Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
November 30, 2010
Case: Client charged with felony theft. Indisputable video evidence of the alleged crime. Full investigation done.RESULT: FELONY CASE REDUCED TO MISDEMEANOR WITH DEFERRED PROBATION ON MISDEMEANOR. NO CONVICTION.
November 30, 2010
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana and Striking a Highway Fixture without remaining or reporting. Full investigation done.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED; NOT GUILTY ON BOTH CASES.
November 29, 2010
Case: Client charged with cruelty to animals. Videotape of the seizure of the animals along with vet reports alleging sever cruelty. Other veterinarians were consulted. Punishment range up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000.00 fine.RESULT: PLEAD TO DEFERRED PROBATION, NO REPORTING TO PROBATION. PROBATION PERIOD FOR 6 MONTHS. AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION, CASE WILL BE DISMISSED. NO CONVICTION.
November 22, 2010
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence, Class A Misdemeanor. Full investigation done including witness statement affidavits and provided to the prosecution.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
November 4, 2010
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana and Possession of a Dangerous Drug. Full investigation done including statements taken from witnesses.RESULT: MOTION TO REVOKE IS WITHDRAWN; CLIENT TO FINISH PROBATION.
November 3, 2010
Case: Client on probation for misdemeanor offense in Johnson County. Probation department files to revoke his probation and he is looking at a year in jail. Full investigation done, including affidavits taken. Investigation provided to attorney for the State of Texas.RESULT: BOTH CASES REJECTED; DISMISSED.
October 29, 2010
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. 1st Degree felony carrying up to life in prison and a life-time requirement to register as a sex offender. The alleged victim was 4 years old. Expansive investigation conducted. Witness statements taken, expert hired regarding proper procedures to perform interview of child alleging abuse. Case was set for trial in 10 days. Navarro County case.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED LESS THAN 2 WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL.
October 28, 2010
Case: Client charged with Assault Family Violence. Looking at a year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine with lifetime ramifications if convicted. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
October 28, 2010
Case: Client charged with Minor in Possession of Alcohol. Full investigation done, 8 witness affidavits obtained.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 2 WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL.
October 28, 2010
Case: Client charged with Public Intoxication. Full investigation done including witness statements.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 2 WEEKS BEFORE TRIAL.
October 26, 2010
Case: Client charged with 3 indictments of Credit Card Abuse, felonies. Full investigation done including hearing over the production of evidence from prosecutor to client. The entire episode of the alleged crime was caught on videotape. Client looking at potential of three 2-year sentences stacked, meaning 6 years straight in prison.RESULT: Case dismissed as felony. Client pleads to Class B misdemeanor Theft. Receives deferred adjudication probation on misdemeanor. Upon successful completion of the probation the case will be dismissed. NO CONVICTION. NO FELONY.
October 20, 2010
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marijuana. Full investigation done including case law search on proper search and useable quantity.RESULT: POM DISMISSED AT PRETRIAL, CLIENT PLEAD TO CLASS C OFFENSE AND RECEIVES $50.00 FINE AND 90 DAYS DEFERRED ADJUDICATION. NO CONVICTION AND AFTER 90 DAYS THE CLASS C OFFENSE WILL BE DISMISSED.
October 20, 2010
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Terrible ramifications if convicted. Full investigation done including affidavit from the alleged victim. Punishment range for the offense charged is up to 1 year in jail. Police has picture of bite marks client had inflicted on the alleged victim.RESULT: FAMILY VIOLENCE DROPPED. PLEAD TO ASSAULT AND RECEIVED TIME-SERVED. NO PROBATION AND NO ADDITIONAL JAIL TIME.
October 10, 2010
Case: Client charged with probation revocation on a probation for possession of marihuana, looking at 180 days in jail. Client had additional possession of marihuana case picked up while on probation. Sentence for that offense was up to 180 days in jail.RESULT: TIME-SERVED ON THE PROBATION REVOCATION, NO MORE TIME IN JAIL. SECOND MARIHUANA CASE DISMISSED. CLIENT RELEASED FROM JAIL TODAY WITH NO FURTHER OBLIGATIONS.
October 7, 2010
Case: Client charged with 2 counts of Assault/Family Violence. Punishment range up to a year in jail. Full investigation done, witness affidavits taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
October 1, 2010
Case: Client charged with Resisting Arrest. Class A misdemeanor with punishment range up to 1 year in jail.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
October 1, 2010
Case: Client charged with Driving With Invalid License. Defense of necessity was presented to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST HEARING.
September 15, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A Resisting Arrest. Punishment range up to a year in jail. Full investigation done including witness statements.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
September 10, 2010
Case: Client charged initially with DWI 2nd offense. Case was re-classified as a DWI 3rd, a 3rd degree felony. Case then dropped back down to DWI 2nd offense.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
September 8, 2010
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Forgery. Motion filed for determination of competency of Defendant.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
August 31, 2010
Case: Client charged with Harassment. A misdemeanor offense with jail time as a possible consequence if found guilty. Investigation and research provided to the prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
August 31, 2010
Case: Client charged with Theft of Property. Multiple witness statement taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
August 30, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done. Client pleads not guilty and a suppression hearing is scheduled. Two days prior to suppression hearing prosecutor offers to dismiss the DWI and have client plead to Obstruction of a Roadway.RESULT: DWI DISMISSED, CLIENT ACCEPTS TIME-SERVED PLEA TO OBSTRUCTION OF A ROADWAY.
August 27, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A Assault. Punishment range up to a year in jail and up to a $4,000.00 fine. Immediate investigation done with two witness statements taken and provided to prosecutor prior to screening the case.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION, DISMISSED.
August 25, 2010
Case: Client charged with resisting arrest. Full investigation done and 3 affidavits taken of witnesses.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO ANY HEARING.
August 17, 2010
Case: Client charged with Felony level Criminal Mischief. Punishment range of up to 2 years in a Felony State Jail Facility along with fine that could be up to $10,000.00. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS A MISDEMEANOR. 1 YEAR DEFERRED PROBATION, NO FINE. CASE TO BE DISMISSED AFTER PROBATION COMPLETE.
August 11, 2010
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated. Thorough investigation done including issues regarding lack of reasonable suspicion to stop client.RESULT: CASE REJECTED, DISMISSED.
August 9, 2010 - August 11, 2010
Case: Client charged with two Class A Misdemeanors. Assault/Family Violence and Evading Arrest. Intense investigation and intense cross examination of all witnesses during trial.RESULT: ASSAULT/FAMILY VIOLENCE (NOT GUILTY) EVADING ARREST (NOT GUILTY) VERDICT TOOK LESS THAN 1 HOUR ON BOTH CASES.
August 6, 2010
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault With a Deadly Weapon. Punishment range is no less than 2 years in prison and up to 20 years in prison. 2nd degree felony.RESULT: FELONY DISMISSED, PLEADS TO CLASS A MISDEMEANOR, RECEIVES PROBATION.
August 4, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done. Client also hired to fight to save his driver's license.RESULT: DRIVER'S LICENSE NOT SUSPENDED, DWI REJECTED, DISMISSED.
July 28, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor of Assault/Family Violence and Interfering with Emergency Call. Investigation done, statements taken.RESULT: BOTH CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
July 26, 2010
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana. Defense investigation uncovered search and seizure issues regarding police activity.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
July 21, 2010
Case: Client charged with Felony Injury to a Child. Immediate investigation done including statement from witness who heard the allege witness recant the allegation.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
July 21, 2010
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor theft. Dallas County case. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
July 19, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI (2nd Offense). Punishment range up to a year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. Case fully investigated by defense team.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
July 7, 2010
Case: Client charged with Burglary of a Habitation. Punishment range up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000.00 fine. A thorough investigation was done including several witness affidavits.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
July 7, 2010
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Punishment range up to 1 year in jail and $4,000.00 fine. If convicted never can own a gun or be in possession or purchase a gun ever. Prosecutor alleged that client hit family member and put him in the hospital.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON FINAL PRETRIAL DATE.
July 6, 2010
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault of a Child and Prohibited Sexual Contact. Full investigation done including internet profile of victim and over 20 witness statements. Client was looking at potentially two 20 year sentences, stacked.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS PRIOR TO FINAL PRETRIAL.
June 30, 2010
Case: Client charged with POM. Case law researched and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
June 30, 2010
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Dangerous Drug. Full investigation done, statements taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
June 25, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI (2nd offense). Investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
June 21, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Accident involved with serious injuries. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
June 21, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Client wrecked his vehicle. Open container alleged.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
June 18, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Suppression hearing held. Judge ruled that the eye test was suppressed and that client's refusal of breath test was suppressed do to improper procedure used by police.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AFTER SUPPRESSION HEARING.
June 4, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done. Motion to Suppress is filed. Hearing held. Cross-examination of officer that ultimately admitted he did not follow protocol in administering any of the field sobriety tests. Officer also admitted he did not properly advise client of ramifications of breath test refusal.RESULT: HORIZONTAL GAZE NYSTAGMUS TEST SUPPRESSED, REFUSAL OF BREATH TEST SUPPRESSED.
June 4, 2010
Case: Client charged with Interfering with Emergency Call. Full investigation done including two statements take from the alleged victim.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON DAY OF PRETRIAL.
June 4, 2010
Case: Navarro County case. Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done including extensive background check on alleged victim. Most of investigation disclosed to prosecutor at announcement setting.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
June 4, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd. Client involved in one car accident that caused client to be placed in hospital for extended time. Blood draw done at hospital indicating a Blood Alcohol content over the legal limit. Research by defense done regarding admissibility of blood results and chain of custody issues that would be problems for the State.RESULT: DAY OF SUPPRESSION HEARING DWI IS DISMISSED AND PLEADS TO RECKLESS DRIVING. 2 DAYS IN JAIL IS PLEA BARGAIN FOR RECKLESS DRIVING TO BE SERVED ON WEEKEND.
June 4, 2010
Case: Client charged with Furnishing Alcohol to Minors. Full investigation done. 4 witness statements taken. Portions of the defense investigation provided to prosecutor.RESULT: DAY OF FINAL PRETRIAL HEARING, CASE DISMISSED.
May 26, 2010
Case: Client charged with Official Oppression. Special Prosecution Unit brought in to prosecute. Navarro County, Texas case. Full investigation done. Motions filed and ruled on. One week prior to status hearing.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
May 25, 2010
Case: Client being investigated for felony offense of Tampering with Governmental Record, a felony offense. Investigation done.RESULT: FELONY NEVER FILED. PLEADS TO CLASS C OFFENSE, FINE ONLY.
May 19, 2010
Case: Client on probation for two cases, both are Burglary of Habitation. State files Motion to Revoke probation and client's is looking at 5 years in TDC for both cases.RESULT: PROBATION MODIFIED; NO PRISON TIME.
May 19, 2010
Case: Dallas County case. Client charged with Theft. Client apprehended with property. Full background investigation of client done. Packet created for prosecuting attorney regarding client.RESULT: CLIENT RECEIVES PRETRIAL DIVERSION; NO CONVICTION.
May 12, 2010
Case: Client charged with Insufficient Funds, two cases. Pretrial hearing held. Motions argued and ruled on. Trial date set.RESULT: TWO DAYS PRIOR TO TRIAL CASE DISMISSED.
May 10, 2010
Case: Client charged with Burglary of Habitation. 2nd degree felony. Immediate investigation done with witness statements and forensic phone search to pull of text messages from alleged victim. All information provided to arresting agency.RESULT: CASE NEVER FILED WITH PROSECUTOR; DISMISSED.
May 7, 2010
Case: Client charged with Felony level Forgery. Full investigation done, witness statements taken. The forged document was provided in discovery and was going to be hard to beat at a jury trial.RESULT: FELONY DISMISSED, PLEAD TO CLASS A MISDEMEANOR AND RECEIVED DEFERRED PROBATION. UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF PROBATION NO CONVICTIONS WILL SHOW ON HIS RECORD.
May 6, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Wrecked vehicle. Stumbled and had to be carried to police vehicle upon arrest. Breath test result was .30, almost 4 times the legal limit. Two suppression hearings held and aggressive cross-examination of all officers involved.RESULT: DWI DISMISSED: CLIENT PLEAD TO OBSTRUCTION OF A HIGHWAY, 18 MONTHS DEFERRED PROBATION. UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF PROBATION CASE OF OBSTRUCTION OF HIGHWAY WILL BE DISMISSED.
May 5, 2010
Case: Client charged with Stealing/Receiving Stolen Checks. Investigation done. Case was being prepared for filing and court dates.RESULT: DWI DISMISSED: CASE REJECTED AND DISMISSED.
April 30, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI (1st offense). Full investigation done. Interview witnesses and obtain affidavits.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
April 29, 2010
Case: Client charged with Criminal Trespass. Alleged to have gone to home where not allowed by criminal trespass warning. Necessity defense was built and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
April 28, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. If convicted loses nursing license. One care wreck where client's care rolled over two times on a straight country road. Blood was drawn and the results were over twice the legal limit. If convicted client loses a 20 year career in nursing. Full investigation done. Transcript of officer being cross-examined by our firm was obtained.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO SUPPRESSION HEARING.
April 26, 2010
Case: Client charged with Driving While Intoxicated with Open Container. If convicted, mandatory jail time for the open container allegation. Full investigation done, provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED PRIOR TO SUPPRESSION HEARING.
April 22, 2010
Case: Client had hired for jury trial in Dallas County. Aggressive cross-examination of arresting officer.RESULT: "NOT GUILTY" VERDICT IN 14 MINUTES.
April 21, 2010
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault of a Child. 6 month investigation done, witness statements taken, internet profile developed.RESULT: GRAND JURY "NO-BILLS" CLIENT; DISMISSED.
April 21, 2010
Case: Client was served with Notice of Hearing on Protective Order. Hired the Firm. We filed an answer and announced ourselves as counsel.RESULT: PETITIONER DISMISSED THE REQUEST FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER UPON OUR FILING.
April 16, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation done. Provide weakness in case information to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED.
April 8, 2010
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault. 2nd Degree felony. Full investigation done including taped interviews. Provided the information to the prosecutor who presented our package to the Grand Jury.RESULT: CASE NO-BILLED, DISMISSED.
April 8, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor, Assault. Punishment range up to one year in jail and up to $4,000.00 fine. Full investigation done, witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED BY PROSECUTOR; DISMISSED.
April 7, 2010
Case: Client on two years probation for DWI. State files Motion to Revoke Probation. Only offer made by State was that client spend 120 days in jail. A full hearing was held.RESULT: JUDGE FINDS THAT CLIENT VIOLATED PROBATION. PROBATION NOT REVOKED.
April 6, 2010
Case: Hearing on pretrial motions in Hill County, Texas regarding juvenile client charged with 25 counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault. Previous to this hearing the prosecutor would only allow us to watch the forensic interview of the children one time. Said we could not pause, just watch it straight through. Pretrial hearing was held and argument made by defense.RESULT: ORDER FROM THE COURT THAT WE GET COPIES OF THE INTERVIEWS AND CAN WATCH THEM AS MANY TIMES AS WE WANT.
April 5, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor, Resisting Arrest. Punishment range up to 1 year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. Full investigation done. Legal research done and case law provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 1 DAY PRIOR TO FINAL PRETRIAL HEARING.
April 5, 2010
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. 2nd Degree felony with punishment range up to 20 years in prison. Full investigation done. Allegation was that client threatened 4 people with a knife threatening to kill them. Investigation showed this was a dangerous case for a jury trial.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS A MISDEMEANOR WITH DEFERRED PROBATION. IF PROBATION IS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED NO CONVICTION FOR ANYTHING. FELONY CHARGES ARE DISMISSED.
March 23, 2010
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana, Misdemeanor. Witness statements taken and investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT PRETRIAL HEARING.
March 17, 2010
Case: Client, a medical doctor, charged with sexual assault of a patient. Meticulous investigation conducted. Thorough internet profile completed on the complainant. Over 1,200 pages of information pulled from the internet profile. The nature and content of the profile constructed of the complainant included clear evidence that the allegation was false. A detailed packet was created and presented to the prosecuting attorney. Interviews were taken of relevant witnesses. Case was set to be tried to a jury in April.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
March 12, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A Assault. Punishment range is up to 1 year in jail and a $4,000.00. Allegation was client, 51 year old, assaulted a 17-year old boy.RESULT: NOT GUILTY, VERDICT RETURNED IN 15 MINUTES.
March 5, 2010
Case: Client charged with the felony offense of Possession of Marihuana. A full investigation was done. Portions of investigation were provided to the State.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
March 4, 2010
Case: Client charged with Burglary of Habitation, 2nd degree felony. Immediate investigation done. Results of investigation provided to arresting agency.RESULT: CASE REJECTED AND NEVER FILED WITH PROSECUTOR.
March 2, 2010
Case: Client charged with Indecency with a Child and Possession of Child Pornography. Pretrial hearing was held and full investigation done including a computer forensic evaluation.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED.
February 25, 2010
Case: Client charged with DUI. Under age. There was a one car accident. Highway patrol investigated.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
February 25, 2010
Case: Client charged with criminal Nuisance. Allegation is that her dogs caused such damage to a cow and calf that both had to be put down. Allegation that a pit bull and several other dogs she allegedly owned attacked the cows.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
February 4, 2010
Case: Client on Deferred probation. Probation officer threatens to throw him in jail or revoke his probation if he does not sign an agreement to extend his probation for 3 months. Griffith & Associates are hired and immediately investigate and file Motion to Release From Probation. Probation officer is served with subpoena. Prosecutor calls and agrees that client's probation will successfully be terminated.RESULT: CLIENT'S PROBATION IS TERMINATED.
February 2, 2010
Case: Client charged with Felony DWI 3rd of more. Punishment range up to 10 years in prison. A Motion to Quash Indictment was filed based on defense research.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AS FELONY.
January 29, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A Failure to Identify and Class B Possession of Marihuana. Full investigation done.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED AT SECOND COURT APPEARANCE.
January 29, 2010
Case: Client charged with Class A Assault/Bodily Injury, facing up to 1 year in jail. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS C "ASSAULT BY CONTACT", FINE ONLY.
January 29, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI. Full investigation by defense done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
January 20, 2010
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor POM. Looking at 180 days in jail and a $2,000.00 fine. Full investigation done including two affidavits provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON PRETRIAL DATE.
January 20, 2010
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Up to one year in jail and lifetime prohibition of owning a firearm with a $4,000.00 possible consequence. Full investigation done and affidavits provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ON PRETRIAL DATE.
January 15, 2010
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd offense. Dallas case. Case scheduled for hearing on a Motion to Suppress. Testimony is taken and the Judge finds that there was no reasonable suspicion for the stop. Everything is suppressed.RESULT: STATE LOSES, ALL EVIDENCE SUPPRESSED. CASE OVER UNLESS STATE APPEALS COURT'S RULING.
January 8, 2010
Case: Client charged with Possession of a Dangerous Drug. Full investigation done. Prosecuting attorney provided with the evidence discovered in the defense investigation.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 2 WEEKS BEFORE PRETRIAL HEARING.
January 5, 2010
Case: Client charged with Disorderly Conduct/Displaying Firearm in Public. Client was arrested and his firearm was seized by the police. Full investigation done including obtaining two (2) eye-witness accounts of what occurred. Defense provided affidavits to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED, FIREARM RETURNED TO DEFENDANT.
December 14, 2009
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Possession of Marihuana. Investigation done by defense. Statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED BY PROSECUTOR; DISMISSED.
December 11, 2009
Case: Client charged with Failure to Stop and Render Aid, a felony offense. Full investigation done including obtaining the audio recording of the statement given to the insurance company by the alleged victim. Obtained two eye-witness statements that completely contradicted the audio statement of the alleged victim.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED 4 DAYS PRIOR TO TRIAL.
November 30, 2009
Case: Client charged with ASSAULT/FAMILY VIOLENCE AND RESISTING ARREST. Full investigation was done and affidavits taken and provided to the prosecutor.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED AT FIRST APPEARANCE.
November 19, 2009
Case: Client charged with 3rd Degree Felony of Theft. Full investigation done including the employment of a forensic accountant for the defense. Evidence presented to the Grand Jury for the Defense.RESULT: CASE NO-BILLED BY GRAND JURY; DISMISSED.
November 19, 2009
Case: Client charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. Third degree felony with up to 10 years in prison as possible punishment.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
November 18, 2009
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct. Pretrial hearing is scheduled. Prosecutor dismisses charge prior to pretrial hearing.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
November 13, 2009
Case: Dallas County -. Client charged with Felony offense of DWI, third offense or more. Breath test results of .13 and .14. Legal limit is .08. Client was looking at up to 10 years in prison if convicted. On videotape client admits to having had several mixed drinks and beer prior to driving. Many pretrial Motions filed by the Defense.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS B MISDEMEANOR, DWI 1ST OFFENSE. PROBATION. NO JAIL TIME.
November 12, 2009
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct. Pretrial hearing is scheduled. Prosecutor dismisses charge prior to pretrial hearing.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
November 9, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI. Three pretrial hearings held prior to scheduled trial date, including a hearing on a Motion to Suppress. Under intense cross-examination their were many conflicts and contradictions uncovered in the arresting officers' testimony.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ONE WEEK BEFORE TRIAL.
November 4, 2009
Case: Client charged with Felony Deadly Conduct. Investigation done and witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
October 29, 2009
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor Assault. Punishment range of up to 1 year in jail and up to a $4,000.00 fine. Pretrial hearings were held. Full and complete investigation was done. Jury trial commenced and lasted two days. Graphic photographs of the alleged victim's face were allowed into evidence.RESULT: JURY VERDICT - NOT GUILTY.
October 28, 2009
Case: Client charged with Public Intoxication and Failure to ID. Pretrial Motions filed by defense.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED.
October 27, 2009
Case: Client charged with Felony offense of Delivery of a Dangerous Drug. Possible punishment is prison time.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
October 22, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
October 20, 2009
Case: Client charged with Harassment. Punishment range up to 6 months in jail and up to a $2,000.00 fine.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
October 20, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Ramifications if convicted of this offense is that he would be facing up to one year in jail and his right to own, purchase a firearm would be denied.RESULT: Family Violence allegation is dropped (no firearm ramifications), client accepts plea bargain to Assault and 1 year deferred adjudication probation. Upon successful completion of the probationary period case will be dismissed.
October 14, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Up to a year in jail is possible punishment along with loss of ability to own firearm. Full investigation done, several witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT THE FIRST PRETRIAL HEARING; DISMISSED.
October 13, 2009
Case: Client was found guilty of speeding while representing himself/herself at the Municipal Court level. Hired Griffith & Associates to appeal to County Court at Law No.2.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AFTER FIRST HEARING.
October 5, 2009
Case: Navarro County, Texas. Client was on deferred probation for the offense of Burglary of a Building. The State of Texas filed a Motion to adjudicate his guilt and revoke his probation. Alternate plan was created by defense and presented to the prosecuting attorney. If probation had been revoked the client would have been looking at up to 20 years in prison.RESULT: PROBATION EXTENDED AND RE-INSTATED. NO REVOCATION OF PROBATION.
September 30, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault with Bodily Injury, Class A Misdemeanor, punishment range up to a year in jail.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
September 29, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI. Punishment range up to 6 months in jail. Breath test results of 0.180 and 0.177. Case was set for Motion to Suppress on the 2nd of October.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED BY PROSECUTOR.
September 24, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Class Misdemeanor, punishment up to 1 year in jail and ramifications that follow the client for the rest of their life regarding gun ownership etc.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
September 18, 2009
Case: Client charged with Continuous Sexual Assault of a Child. Client looking at life in prison if convicted. Full investigation is completed, case is set for trial in October.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
September 15, 2009
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor, DWI (2nd offense). Up to a year in jail if convicted. Empty beer cans found in client's truck at time of offense. Suppression held and the arresting officer was aggressively and thoroughly cross-examined. Prosecution attorney asks for moment to speak with Trooper after his testimony. Prosecutor returns and informs the Court case will be dismissed.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO TRIAL.
September 9, 2009
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Deadly Conduct. Investigation done and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
September 2, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI 1st offense. A protracted suppression hearing was held and several officers were aggressively cross-examined. There was a breath test result of .091 and .093, which is over the legal limit in Texas.RESULT: PRIOR TO TRIAL PROSECUTOR DISMISSES ALL CHARGES.
August 20, 2009
Case: Client charged with Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon, Class a Misdemeanor with punishment up to 1 year in jail. Client also charged with Possession of Marihuana, up to 180 days in jail.RESULT: Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon (DISMISSED); POM (Deferred Probation for 1 year. Upon completion the case will be dismissed).
August 19, 2009
Case: Client charged with Felony Grade Possession of Marihuana, another felony charge of Tampering with Evidence, also misdemeanor charge of Possession of Marihuana.RESULT: Tampering with Evidence (CASE REJECTED; DISMISSED), Felony level Possession of Marihuana (Reduced to Class B misdemeanor, time-served), Class B Marihuana (Dismissed).
August 19, 2009
Case: Client charged with Failure to Give Identifying Information.RESULT: CASE REJECTED.
August 19, 2009
Case: Client charged with Misdemeanor Possession of Dangerous Drug and Misdemeanor Resisting Arrest.RESULT: Possession of Dangerous Drug (DISMISSED), Resisting Arrest (Time-served).
August 19, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI and Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon.RESULT: DWI (DISMISSED), Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon (Deferred probation, upon successful completion no conviction on record).
August 7, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI (1st offense). Punishment range up to 6 months in jail and a fine up to $2,000.00.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; DISMISSED.
July 31, 2009
July 30, 2009
Case: Client charged with Intoxication Manslaughter and Failure to Stop and Render Aid. Intoxication Manslaughter carries a punishment range of up to 20 years in prison and Failure to Stop and Render Aid carries a punishment range of up to 10 years in prison. High profile case with publicity.RESULT: Client accepts plea bargain of 10 years deferred probation on both offenses, a condition of probation was to spend 180 days in jail. If successfully completes probations the cases will be dismissed at the end of the probationary period.
July 22, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI (1st) offense. Punishment range up to 180 days in jail and up to a $2,000.00 fine. The day after the prosecuting attorney received this Firm's representation letter the following result occurred.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION; (DISMISSED).
July 20, 2009
Case: Juvenile client charged with felony level Criminal Mischief. Immediate investigation begun and restitution paid.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
July 15, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence a Class A misdemeanor. Punishment range up to a year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. Case fully investigated by the defense. Affidavits taken from numerous witnesses.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
July 9, 2009
Case: Client charged with Theft by Check.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
July 9, 2009
Case: Client charged with Unlawfully Carrying A Weapon.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
July 8, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI (2nd Offense), punishment range up to 1 year in jail and a fine up to $4,000.00. At the administrative law review hearing regarding the suspension of his license could have been revoked for two (2) years.RESULT: DWI (2ND) REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION. ALR CASE DISMISSED. CLIENT WINS ON ALL FRONTS.
July 1, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family violence. Client was a 26 year veteran of law enforcement. Anything short of a "not guilty" verdict would have ended his career as a police officer. All evidence was presented to the jury and each witness for the State of Texas was vigorously cross-examined. Waited more than a year for the trial.RESULT: NOT GUILTY (Jury returned verdict in 15 minutes).
June 29, 2009
Case: Client charged with Class Misdemeanor of Possession of Dangerous Drug. Punishment range up to 1 year in jail. Client also charged with Class B misdemeanor Theft, punishment range up to 180 days in jail. Theft conviction affects employment and professional licenses for a lifetime.RESULT: CLASS A MISDMEANOR (POSSESSION OF A DANGEROUS DRUG) DISMISSED. DEFERRED PROBATION ON THE THEFT CASE, NO CONVICTION.
June 29, 2009
June 29, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence, Class A Misdemeanor with up to 1 year in jail if convicted and the inability to ever purchase or own a gun in the future.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
June 29, 2009
Case: Client charged in two different case with theft. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
June 29, 2009
Case: Client charged with Possession of Marihuana.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
June 25, 2009
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor, Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon. Punishment range up to 1 year in Jail.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
June 25, 2009
Case: Client charged with Class Misdemeanor of Assault. Punishment range is up to one year in jail. Investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED BY PROSECUTOR: DISMISSED.
June 24, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence. Punishment range is up to a year in jail and a fine up to $4,000.00. If convicted the next allegation of this sort would be classified as a felony. If convicted client would lose all right to possess or purchase a weapon. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION. DISMISSED.
June 24, 2009
Case: Client charged with Indecency with a Child, a 2nd Degree Felony. Two hearings were held, a full investigation was done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION, DISMISSED.
June 22, 2009
Case: Client charged with second degree felony Possession of Marihuana. Investigation done. District Attorney rejects case for prosecution.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
June 18-19, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI 2nd Offense. Punishment range up to a year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. Picked a jury on June 18th. After opening statements in the case were given the State of Texas dismissed all charges.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AFTER OPENING STATEMENTS.
June 16, 2009
Case: Client charged with Class A Misdemeanor; Assault/Family Violence. Punishment range is up to 1 year in jail and a $4,000.00 fine. If convicted client would lose all rights to ever own or buy a weapon. Full investigation done including affidavits from several witnesses.RESULT: FAMILY VIOLENCE charge dropped. Client pleads to 6 months deferred probation for assault and a $500.00 fine. Upon successful completion of the probation, case will be dismissed. No ramifications regarding ability to own firearms.
May 29, 2009
Case: Client charged with 1st Degree Injury to a Child. Punishment range 5 to life in prison. 2 week jury trial with intense cross examination of multiple specialists in the medical field, including a medical doctor with a specialty in Child Abuse cases. Three witness were proven to have perjured themselves on cross examination, including a medical doctor. Jury out less than an hour and a half.RESULT: NOT GUILTY.
May 6, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence and Fleeing. The facts were alleged to have developed for both offenses out of the same criminal episode. Full and complete investigation was done including over 10 affidavits.RESULT: ASSAULT/FAMILY VIOLENCE CASE DISMISSED. CLIENT PLEAD TO TIME/SERVED ON THE FLEEING CASE.
April 30, 2009
Case: Client charged with AGGRAVATED ASSAULT OF PUBLIC SERVANT, a 1st degree felony with a punishment range of 5 years to life in prison. Full investigation done. Witness statements taken including a videotaped witness statement.RESULT: CASE REDUCED TO CLASS A MISDEMEANOR, DEADLY CONDUCT, CLIENT GIVEN 2 YEARS DEFERRED PROBATION, NO CONVICTION UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF PROBATION.
April 29, 2009
Case: Client charged with Manslaughter with punishment range up to 20 years in prison. Client also charged in separate case with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Punishment range for that offense was also up to 20 years in prison.RESULT: Jury trial on Manslaughter case first. Jury found client guilty of lesser-included offense of criminally negligent homicide. Assessed a sentence of 7 years and recommended the sentence be probated. Client placed on 5 years probation for the offense. No prison time. This resulted in a plea bargain for the Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon where the client accepted a plea bargain of 7 years deferred probation. If successfully completes probation this will never show up as a conviction on his criminal record.
April 23, 2009
Case: Client charged with misdemeanor Theft.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT PRETRIAL HEARING.
April 23, 2009
Case: Client charged with felony charge of Assault of a Public Servant, and misdemeanor charges of resisting arrest and failure to ID. A very thorough investigation was done including photographs, interviews and affidavits.RESULT: ALL CHARGES REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION AFTER DEFENSE INVESTIGATION PROVIDED TO PROSECUTOR.
April 20, 2009
Case: Client charged with Class A misdemeanor, Assault/Family Violence. Punishment range is up to one year in jail and up to $4,000.00 fine. Full investigation done, witness statements taken.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED BY PROSECUTOR PRIOR TO TRIAL. ALL CHARGES DROPPED.
April 13, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence and Interfering with 911 call. Exposure if found guilty is one year in jail. Full investigation done including affidavits from witnesses. Charges were pending in Brazos County, Texas.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED.
April 7, 2009
Case: Client charged with two counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a child. Punishment range of no less than 5 years in prison and up to life in prison. Client also charged with Indecency with a Child. Punishment range no less than 2 years in prison and up to 20 years in prison. Full investigation done including forensic computer evaluation of computers used by alleged victims.RESULT: Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child cases dismissed. Indecency with a Child dismissed. Client plead to a third degree felony of Injury to a Child, received probation. Will not register as a sex offender.
April 3, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault Causing Bodily Injury. Punishment could be as much as 1 year in count jail. Full investigation done. Using search engines used by the Firm in researching the backgrounds of people it was discovered that the alleged victim was a registered sex offender and has also been convicted for the felony offense of Injury to a Child. This information was provided to the prosecuting attorney.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED, ALL CHARGES DROPPED.
March 31, 2009
Case: Client charged with Disorderly Conduct, Fighting.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED AT FIRST PRE-TRIAL HEARING BY STATE OF TEXAS.
March 31, 2009
Case: Client charged with Felony Injury to a Child. Full investigation done prior to Grand Jury presentation. Witness statements videotaped and provided to prosecutor.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION, ALL CHARGES DISMISSED.
March 23, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI. Prior to hearing for suppression of evidence filed by Griffith & Associates, District Attorney informs that the case will be dismissed.RESULT: ALL CHARGES DISMISSED, CASE CLOSED.
March 20, 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family Violence, a Class A misdemeanor. Punishment range up to 1 year in jail and a fine not to exceed $4,000.00. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED, all charges dropped.
March 16, 2009
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Robbery. A 1st degree felony with a punishment range of 5 years up to life in prison. Full investigation done, multiple statements taken from witnesses. District Attorney worked with a request for DNA tests regarding a hat left at the scene with hair samples on it.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED, all charges dropped.
March 9, 2009
Case: Driving While Intoxicated. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
March 5, 2009
Case: Client charged with Second Degree Felony, Aggravated Assault. Punishment range is no less than 2 years in prison and up to 20 years in prison.RESULT: Case reduced to Class A misdemeanor, plead “no contest” received deferred probation which means after successful completion of the probation the case is dismissed.
February 25, 2009
Case: Client Charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child under the age of 6. Punishment range 25 minimum/ life maximum. Full investigation done, vigorous cross-examination of all State’s witnesses, including child witness.RESULT: "NOT GUILTY” JURY RETURNED VERDICT IN LESS THAN 1 HOUR.
February 18, 2009
Case: Client charged with ASSAULT/FAMILY VIOLENCE. Full investigation done, including a sworn statement from the alleged victim.RESULT: Case Dismissed.
February 18, 2009
Case: Client charged with THEFT BY CHECK. Restitution paid prior to Court date.RESULT: Case Dismissed.
February 18, 2009
Case: Client charged with THEFT, Class A Misdemeanor. Full investigation done, including affidavit from witness.RESULT: Case Dismissed.
February 13, 2009
Case: DWI. Suppression hearing held. Court rules for Defense. State appeals.RESULT: Case Dismissed.
February 13, 2009
Case: Capital Murder. Facts of crime to explicit to put on this website. Death Penalty was being sought by State. Full investigation done, top experts appointed to help on the case.RESULT: Death Penalty Waived, Client Pleads to Life Without Parole prior to trial.
February 11, 2009
Case: DWI, upon filing of Motion to Suppress the District Attorney dismissed case.RESULT: Case Dismissed.
February 11, 2009
Case: Driving While Intoxicated with Child Passenger (Felony offense).RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION, DISMISSED.
February 3, 2009
Case: Client charged with DWI. Breath test of .134 and .138. The legal limit is less than .08.RESULT: Case dismissed prior to hearing on Motion to Suppress. All charges dropped.
January 20, 2009
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Robbery, enhanced with prior felony. Punishment range 15 years to life in prison. The entire episode was caught on store tape.RESULT: "Not Guilty".
January 2009
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child and Indecency with a Child. Full investigation done. Punishment range was minimum 5 years and up to life in prison.RESULT: Cases dismissed day before trial.
January 2009
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault. Punishment range was no less than 2 years in prison and up to 20 years in prison.RESULT: Cases dismissed day before trial.
January 2009
Case: Client charged with Sexual Assault of a child. Punishment range no less than 2 years in prison and up to 20 years in prison.RESULT: Cases dismissed day before trial.
January 2009
Case: Client charged with Assault/Family violence enhanced with one prior conviction for same offense. Punishment range was no less than 2 years in prison and up to 10 years in prison.RESULT: Case dismissed prior to trial.
January 2009
Case: Client charged with indecency with a child. Punishment range no less than 2 years in prison and up to 20 years in prison. Investigation done by the defense provided a videotaped statement of the alleged victim. Provided the videotape to the prosecuting attorney.RESULT: Case dismissed prior to trial.
January 29, 2009
Case: Charge of Burglary of a Motor Vehicle. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
February 2008
Case: Client charged with Indecency with a Child and Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child. Prior conviction made the punishment range no less than 15 years in prison and up to life in prison.RESULT: ?Not Guilty? on both counts. Jury returned verdict in less than 6 minutes.
March 2008
Case: Charge was Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a felony offense. Full investigation done and presentation of evidence to Grand Jury.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
March 2008
Case: Charge was DWI. Full investigation done and Motion to Suppress Evidence was held.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLED”, CASE DISMISSED.
April 2008
Case: Felony charge of Theft over $20,000 but under $100,000. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
June 2008
Case: Felony charge of Injury to a Child. Full investigation done.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLED”, CASE DISMISSED.
July 2008
Case: Charge was Assault on an Elderly (felony). Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
July 2008
Case: Charged with False Alarm or Report. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
August 2008
Case: Charges were; Possession of Prohibited Weapon and Assault with Bodily Injury, both cases classified as misdemeanors.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
August 2008
Case: Misdemeanor charge of DWI. Full investigation and a Suppression Hearing was held.RESULT: AT CONCLUSION OF SUPPRESSION HEARING PROSECUTOR AGREED TO REDUCE TO OBSTRUCTION OF A HIGHWAY.
Early Fall 2008
Case: Client charged with Public Intoxication. Police officers testified that he was passed out in his truck with engine running at a stop sign. Officers testified he could barely walk and needed assistance to get him to police vehicle.RESULT: Verdict - “Not Guilty”
September 2008
Case: Client charged with DWI. Took breath test and blew a .13. Jury was selected.RESULT: Date jury trial is to begin State dismisses all charges.
October 2008
Case: Client charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child and Indecency with a Child. Client was enhanced with two prior felony convictions which made the punishment range not less than 25 years in prison and up to life in prison.Witness testified that client has made a jail house confession to the offenses.
RESULT: Hung Jury after two days of deliberation.
October 2008
Case: Charge was Assault Causing Bodily Injury. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
November – December 2008
Case: Client charged with abusing her child. CPS sought termination and a jury trial that lasted almost a month was held.RESULT: Client found to not have abused her child, CPS loses. Verdict for client on all counts.
March 2007
Case: Felony charge of Theft by Check over $1,500.00.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED.
April 2007
Case: Felony charge of DWI with Child Passenger. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE DISMISSED BEFORE TRIAL.
May 2007
Case: Charge was Burglary of a Building. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
July 2007
Case: Felony charge of Fraudulent Use or Possession of ID. Full investigation done.RESULT: CASE REJECTED FOR PROSECUTION.
August 2007
Case: Client charged with Murder. Prepare Grand Jury presentation after extensive investigation.RESULT: Grand Jury “No-billed client” Case dismissed.
September 2007
Case: Two charges: Resisting Arrest and Assault Causing Bodily Injury. Full investigation done.RESULT: BOTH CASES DISMISSED.
October 2007
Case: Client charged with Criminally Negligent Homicide. Client was driver of 18-wheeler who collided with multiple vehicles wherein two people were killed. Jury trial was held. Punishment range was up to 10 years in prison, aggravated.RESULT: ?Guilty? Sentence was 7 years probation, no jail time.
November 2007
Case: Charge of Sexual Assault. Full investigation was done and defense was allowed to present evidence to the Grand Jury.RESULT: GRAND JURY “NO-BILLED” THE CASE, CASE DISMISSED.
November 2006
Case: Client charged with Murder. Allegations that a group of three murdered the victim and then a fourth helped them then burn the vehicle with the deceased victim in the vehicle.RESULT: All charges dropped against client. Only defendant that had all charges dismissed.
November 2006
Case: Client initially charged with Felony Theft of Viagra. Case was reduced to misdemeanor and a jury trial was held.RESULT: ?Not Guilty?
March 2005
Case: Client charged with DWI in Henderson County, Texas. Driving and 18-wheeler and caller calls police and says he is all over the road. Field sobriety tests are administered and client is arrested for DWI.RESULT: ?Not Guilty?
Case: Client initially charged with Capital Murder in which the death penalty can be sought. Ultimately the case was reduced to Murder. Punishment range was minimum 5 years in prison maximum life in prison. Full investigation done. Testimony from State’s experts that the bullet found in Defendant’s pocket at the time of his arrest matched the casings found at the murder scene. Intense cross-examination of all State’s witnesses.RESULT: ?Not Guilty? jury was out 2 hours before returning verdict.