Jacob Gamble prides himself on passionate criminal defense practice. Born and raised in Abilene, Texas, Jacob is a proud West Texas native. While he wasn’t raised in Ellis County, Jacob has family roots in this community and spent summers in Waxahachie as a child. He attended first the University of New Mexico where he studied Political Science and completed his studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio where he obtained a bachelor’s in politics and law, graduating Manga Cum Laude. Jacob then attended law school at Texas Tech University School of Law in Lubbock, Texas. While there, he excelled in oral advocacy, obtaining a position on the Board of Barristers, winning a Moot Court competition, and competing in many national team Mock Trial competitions. His final year, Jacob was accepted into the Criminal Defense Clinic under the direction of Professors Patrick Metze and Dwight McDonald. While in the Criminal Defense Clinic, Jacob had the unique opportunity to practice in Lubbock County and complete a criminal jury trial, sitting first chair, before he graduated. He finished his studies and graduated Magna Cum Laude with his Juris Doctorate in 2022. Since moving to Waxahachie and passing the bar, Jacob has been involved in the Ellis County Bar Association, The Ellis County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, and the Dallas Young Lawyers Association.